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C of E Primary School

Year 2 weekly newsletter 15.11.24

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Another busy and productive week in Y2 has just flown by. Read on to find out what we have been up to!

In English, we've started analysing The Night Gardener, focusing on the story's key vocabulary and grammatical features. You highlighted these elements, finding verbs ending in -ed, adverbs ending in -ly, and adjectives with -less and -ful endings. We then recapped exclamation and question sentences, learning that exclamation sentences use a change in voice expression, while question sentences are used when expecting an answer. You also completed your writer's knowledge on setting narratives in preparation for next steps. Next week, you'll begin writing your own setting narrative--how exciting!

In our reading group, you have focused on reading aloud. We have concentrated on reading with a clear voice and thought about using expression in our voices. In phonics, you have continued to review your sounds and read your new stories.

In maths, we continued working on the column method, practicing through questions in your Power Maths workbooks. You applied these skills to word problems and reasoning questions, helping you understand the method in real-life contexts. We then moved on to column addition with regrouping, which felt challenging at first. However, with hands-on activities and plenty of perseverance, you made fantastic progress! You'll be consolidating these skills further in your homework this week.

In RE, you continued exploring the theme of "good news." We examined paintings of Mary and the angel, observing details in the artwork and discussing what emotions Mary and the angel might be feeling, and perhaps what thoughts they could be having. Then, we watched a video about this part of the Christmas story, where Mary learns she will have a baby who will be the Son of God. You worked in pairs to role-play this scene, bringing the story to life. Afterwards, you wrote thoughtful questions in your RE books, imagining what you would ask Mary and the angel--your questions were fantastic and showed real curiosity!

In HeartSmart, you completed your "Getting HeartSmart" reflection. You thought carefully about whether you feel confident in making choices that help protect and care for your own heart or if you still need some support with this. You also considered whether you know how to make choices that positively impact others' hearts or if you need more guidance here too. To wrap up, you reflected on the steps you'll take to care for both your heart and others' hearts, drawing on everything you've learnt this term. It was a thoughtful way to end the unit, setting goals for kindness and self-care! Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Proverbs 4:23

In Forest School, we kicked off with an art session. You gathered some fantastic natural materials from around the field and forest school area, bringing them into the forest school shed. Using these items as inspiration, you created continuous line drawings in your books, learning how to sketch with detail without lifting your pencil from the paper. It was exciting to experiment with this technique, and the results were truly impressive!

In the second part of the session, you built dens for your characters, complete with beds, toilets, and dining areas. The session wrapped up with roasted marshmallows and a cozy chat around the forest school fire--even Mrs. Chesters joined us! It was a fun and creative day in the outdoors.

In Computing, we continued developing our digital photography skills. You thought carefully about ways to improve your photography by examining a range of photos and deciding if they were well-composed or needed adjustments. You soon learnt that a good photo often has the subject centred, includes everything needed within the frame, and requires a thoughtful choice between portrait or landscape orientation.

Using these new insights, you completed another "photograph bingo" challenge, taking close-up and distant pictures of various items. Back in the classroom, we reviewed your photos together, discussing what worked well and what could be improved. It was a great hands-on session!

In music this week, we began learning about a stave, a treble clef and a time signature. These will support our glockenspiel learning for this half-term. Focusing on our piece called Strictly D, we listened to each bar carefully to make sure we played on time. We listened back to each practice. We noticed improvements each time. For our first time playing this piece, we were very proud of our hard work.

Also this week, we have celebrated anti-bullying week, children in need and had an inspirational assembly and workshop with Bart. We have also loved taking part in the TT rockstars battle.

What a fantastic week Y2.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Haynes

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