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C of E Primary School

Year 2 Weekly newsletter 04.10.24

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We have covered so much this week Year Two and I am so proud of each and everyone of you. Keep being superstars!

In English this week, we immersed ourselves into the non-fiction aspect of our story, "The River." On Monday, we discovered a mysterious message from Tom, expressing his worries about the dangers he might face on his journey and asking for advice on how to overcome them. We then found a thrilling letter written by Toby, explaining the dangers Tom could encounter in the jungle. It was so exciting! Throughout the week, you wrote poems about the dangers, gathered ideas about other potential dangers along the river, and brainstormed solutions. You're becoming true river experts! Well done, Year 2!

In phonics, you have continued to review your sounds and become fluent and accurate with your level of reading. In steps to read, you have been looking at the sea book and you have answered lots of comprehension questions about this story.

In maths, you began your new topic of addition and subtraction. You explored fact families and wrote addition and subtraction facts to match your fact families. You also recapped your number bonds to 20 and practiced adding two different tens together. Using your knowledge of number bonds to 10, you extended this to help with your number bonds to 100. You're making excellent progress, Year 2!

In RE, you explored more about the Bible and its significance worldwide. You discovered that the Bible is read all over the world and has been translated into many different languages. You watched a video from a priest explaining the importance of the Bible in their life and church. Afterward, you wrote thoughtful questions you'd like to ask a priest and added them to our class scrapbook. You also learnt that because the Bible is considered holy, many Christians keep it safe with a special Bible cover. You created your own beautiful Bible jackets with blurbs explaining what the Bible is about. Mrs. Chesters loved your covers!

In history this week, we explored the big question: "Would my grandparents/parents have been able to fly on a plane when they were my age?"The lesson kicked off with an exciting look at your videos and transcripts from the interviews you conducted with your grandparents. Thank you to everyone who completed this homework – it gave us invaluable insights into the past! We heard fascinating stories, ranging from grandparents in different countries, some who flew planes, and others who didn't experience flying until they were in their 30s.After this, you learnt about the Wright Brothers, who invented the first airplane, and Amy Johnson, the first female pilot to fly solo to Australia. We compared these two significant individuals, reflecting on how air travel has transformed over time and the incredible advancements in aviation history.

In computing this week, you focused on information technology and specifically learnt about barcodes. You explored how barcodes are used in everyday life and why they are so important. You discovered how this technology advancement helps make processes quicker and more efficient, especially in places like shops.To make this learning more practical, you played a fun game of "shops," using barcodes on your products to simulate real-life transactions. You all did a fantastic job understanding how barcodes help speed up everyday tasks!

In PE with Miss Wittingham you practised your fundamental skills of throwing and with me you practised your tag rugby skills! We are getting so good at throwing and catching the rugby ball.

Well what a busy music lesson we had this week. We loved our song – Eye of the Tiger. We talked about the meaning of its title. Hunting, staying focused, being determined and having an end goal – these were just a few of our ideas. Using our hand bells, we listened back to the song and played our bells on the fourth beat. 1,2,3,4 – play. By the end of the lesson we were very nearly in unison. We were also laughing and enjoying our music time! Great work Year 2.

In science this week, you continued your exploration of materials with a focus on waterproof and not waterproof. You learnt what it means for a material to be waterproof and which materials have this quality. Excitingly, you received a letter from Disaster Island asking for your help! On their island, it's always rainy and stormy, and they needed to know which materials would be suitable for building a house--ones that are both waterproof and strong.In teams, you got to work building houses for Disaster Island, selecting the materials you thought would work best. Then came the fun part! You tested your creations by pouring water on them and huffing and puffing to blow them down, just like the big bad wolf! After all the excitement, you discovered that plastic blocks and tinfoil were both waterproof and strong--perfect for Disaster Island! What an exciting and fun experiment!

In geography this week, you explored Scotland and discovered that its capital city is Edinburgh. You learned all about Scotland's rich history and some of Edinburgh's most famous landmarks, such as the iconic Edinburgh Castle and Arthur's Seat.Did you know that the rock that Edinburgh Castle is built on was formed from an extinct volcano? How fascinating!After learning about these landmarks, you each chose your favourite one to write about in your books, sharing what you found most interesting. What an exciting way to learn about the capital city of Scotland!

As well as this we have spent some time looking at our worship this week! Everyone has been given their worship lines please can you ensure your child practised this as much as possible so they are ready to say it next week. The children have also been introduced to TT rockstars and have all been given their logins. How exciting!!

Have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Haynes

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