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C of E Primary School

Year 2 weekly news 21.01.24

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first aid weekfirst aid weekfirst aidfirst aid weekfirst aid week

Happy half term Y2!

This week in English, you planned and wrote your habitat instructions. You thought carefully about the habitat where your creature came from and decided to write instructions on this so that someone could make a habitat for your creature. Your instructions had to be clear and precise so they could easily be followed. You had the targets to use conjunctions, lists and adverbs in your writing. You definitely achieved this! You are all superstars.

In maths this week you finished your topic of multiplication and division. You learnt what the divide symbol was and how to use it. It took a while to understand that dividing was the opposite to multiplying but you got there! In mastering number you focused on near doubles.

In history this week, we brought all of our learning about the history farming to an end by answering our final question 'How has farming changed?' You thought about all of your learning and the three pivotal eras: Stone Age, revolution farming and farming now to show how farming has progressed and altered. You made sure you had clear reasons to show why it has changed.

In science, you brought all of your learning together by completing a fun quiz to show how much you have learnt about living things and their habitats. You worked so hard on this and I was really proud to see you show all of your knowledge.

In Re, you completed your quest maps to answer the question 'Who did Jesus welcome?' You looked at lots of different areas such as: what do the miracles of Jesus teach us? What is a miracle? When in your life have you felt welcome? You were amazing at answering all of these questions and bringing all of your learning together.

Although we are all individuals, we fit together like a jigsaw piece. This was our heartsmart focus this week as we learnt about each others similarities, differences and what we bring to the classroom . We looked at how each member of the class is a piece of our jigsaw and the whole class is our completed jigsaw. You then drew and wrote the whole class on a jigsaw.

This week we celebrated first aid week by completing different activities that taught us a life skill. First, you learnt about the difference between a bite and sting, how to identify it and how to treat it. You looked at different animals and played a game of charades to act the animal out, your friend then guessed what animal you were and whether it was a biter or a stinger. You built upon this learning by learning how to treat a sting and how to treat a bite. The children then completed these first aid treatments on their partner. What an important life skill to learn! Secondly, you then had PC Nick to come in and speak to you all about how to make a 999 call and how to keep yourself safe in an emergency.

We have had a brilliant start to our spring term and you have worked incredibly hard. I am always so proud of the love and dedication you show to your learning Year 2. Keep working hard and remember you are all amazing!

Have a lovely half term break!

Miss Haynes

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