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C of E Primary School

Year 2 news 13.06.23

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You have all worked super hard this week and I am so impressed with you all every single day.

IIn English this week, you delved into a letter by examining its grammatical features. You also gained a deeper understanding of using adverbs to describe actions. As part of your learning, you began the process of planning your own letter to Tom. In the upcoming week, you'll put your plans into action by writing your letter.

In phonics you have been continuing to develop your fluency and comprehension skills. We had some children this week achieve their bronze award for reading 10 challenge books already and some children achieving their reading badge for always completing their reading. Well done team!

In your math lessons, you continued to explore addition and subtraction. This included learning how to add two-digit numbers with one-digit numbers and employing strategies like crossing ten. Additionally, you focused on mastering number concepts, with particular attention to doubles. You even utilized ten frames to visualize and understand the concept of doubling numbers.

In your RE lessons this week, you delved into the story of Mary Jones and her Bible. You learned about the extensive journey she undertook and the remarkable effort she put into saving for six years to acquire a Bible. Moreover, you explored how her actions initiated a change and the establishment of the Bible Society, which aimed to make the Bible accessible to everyone. Following this, you embarked on answering assessment questions related to the Bible.

In history this week, you consolidated your learning by assembling a class museum. Each of you contributed by creating labels for your toys, specifying their names, materials, and how they function. Special thanks go out to parents and grandparents for providing the children with both old and new toys for this exciting project. The children thoroughly enjoyed the process of crafting the museum, and even Mrs. Hughes found it to be a delightful experience as we invited her to join us.

In computing this week, we delved into the fascinating world of barcodes. You gained a solid understanding of what barcodes are and how they are a fundamental part of information technology. We explored the practical applications of barcodes and why they play such a crucial role in various aspects of our daily lives. As a fun and engaging activity, you even had the chance to set up your own shops within the classroom. The highlight of this adventure was when you tried your hand at scanning barcodes, bringing a real-world touch to our learning. Keep up the excellent work in discovering the marvels of technology!

In science, you engaged in a comprehensive exploration of the uses and suitability of different materials. Your collective knowledge and insights came together to answer the question: "What are the uses of everyday materials?" We harnessed this knowledge to create a detailed mind map, summarizing your findings. To deepen your understanding, we examined objects constructed from two or more types of materials. A prime example is a candle, ingeniously crafted from metal and wax to ensure it doesn't burn down too quickly. This week, your focus on material science showcased your inquisitive minds and your growing understanding of how materials impact our everyday lives.

You came dressed up in your own choice of outfits on Monday to celebrate world mental health. We loved your choice of outfits and you had a great day!

Homework has been emailed out on Friday.

I hope you have a fantastic weekend,

Miss Haynes

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