Another busy week has flown on by in Year 2...
We spent time planning and writing our letters this week in English. We have been writing letters to persuade the people of the world as to why littering is so bad and give everyone ideas to help stop littering once and for all. Our letters included conjunctions, questions and persuasive language! We will use some of our letters for our courageous advocacy worship next half term.
In History, we continued to focus on the different eras of farming. We recapped the Stone Age, the birth of the machines (industrial revolution 1800s) and what farming looks like today. We displayed our knowledge through mind maps full of pictures and key words. What a brilliant effort, team!
In Computing, we continued to build upon our knowledge of loops. We used Mr Dale's PS4 game to spot the different loops and repeats in the game code. We saw many characters that had been programmed through loops as they kept respecting their actions! We then used code studio to programme our own sprites with loops. Well done!
In R.E this week, we worked hard to further understand our big question of salvation. We recapped our previous two stories through acting them out using our figures. From this, we learnt all about a new story called Jesus Feeds the 5000. We worked out that Jesus was the saviour in the story.
For our Maths this week we started a new unit on measurement. We learnt all about cm and m. We used rulers and metre sticks to help us understand the concepts behind this. We quickly moved onto comparing and ordering lengths.
In Forest School, we constructed our own fires, and even managed to toast our own marshmallows too. We then worked hard to perfect our aim when it came to archery. We are very much looking forward to our last forest school session next week.
On Thursday, we all took part in mental health activities and wore our own comfy clothes. We celebrated the day by thinking about why we are unique and created some amazing hands to display this.
We also spent time this week planting a range of bulbs to help us with our upcoming science unit. It was great to see you all preparing the beds and carefully planting your seeds and bulbs. Well done!
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