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C of E Primary School

Year 2 15.9.23

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Your first full week back at school has been filled with lots of fantastic learning opportunities. You really have been busy bees.

In English, we’ve continued to immerse ourselves into our river story. You were introduced to the vehicle text and the example text. You learnt lots of new vocabulary and their meanings, you even used some of this new vocabulary in sentences. You wrote a sense poem this week and a character description on Tom. You have really developed your understanding of noun phrases and you are using them in all pieces of your writing. We have superstar writers in Y2.

In phonics you have been split into your new groups. You are continuing to revisit sounds and learn how to be a fluent reader.

In maths, you have been continuing to look at place value to 100. We have done lots of multiplying and counting in 10s. You have also learnt how to partition different numbers into 10s and 1s. You have been using the base 10 equipment a lot to secure your understanding of the learning.

In RE, you focused on our question ‘Why is the bible important to Christians?’ You looked at a range of different books and stories in our classroom and explained why they are your favourite books. We then looked at book which were holy and you decided these were our bibles and RE books. We thought about where we can get a bible from and who reads from them. You then looked at a range of bibles from versions that reverends read from to children’s versions. You wrote which one is your favourite and why and this has not gone into our RE scrapbook.

In PHSE, you thought carefully about how to turn your power on. We looked at power in general and how it links to electricity. Then you realised that you have the responsibility to turn your power on or off. You wrote a poster about different ways you can use your power positively. You wrote about being kind to others, caring for elderly people and looking after the earth.

How can you recognise toys from the past? This was our question that we looked carefully at in our history lesson. You were introduced to a whole range of different toys from the past e.g China dolls, cup and balls, spinning tops. You were fascinated by the fact that the first football was made from a pig’s bladder in the Victorian times. You created a timeline in your books from 1900s to the 2000s. You realised that at the beginning of your timeline most toys were made from wood, clay or China and now they are mostly made from plastic.

In computing you looked at information technology. You understood that this is anything that is a computer or can be plugged into a computer. You revisited your learning from last year about the different types of computers and what you can use computers for. To display your learning of the lesson you created a pic collage.

Coach James came to teach you your first PE kick session. You were all brilliant and he was so pleased with your behaviour. You played lots of different sports games and had a go at completing relay races. Well done team, there was a lot of good sportsmanship!

How can we sort and group different materials? You had so much fun in this lesson using Venn diagrams to classify materials by their property. You all learnt what a Venn diagram was to start with and where to put all of the different objects. Then once you had completed one you thought about how you can change the properties to challenge yourself further. You were great scientists in this lesson.

What a busy week we have had in Y2! Homework had been set up on spagtastic under tasks and the rest of the homework has been emailed out.

I hope you have a super duper weekend Y2 and I will see you on Monday!

Miss Haynes

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