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C of E Primary School

Year 1 News: 15.9.23

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Our first full week in Year 1 has flown by. We have already produced some amazing work, worked hard, and enjoyed our learning.

In Phonics this week, we recapped all of our sounds and even practiced reading some tricky red words. We read a range of RWI books to improve our blending and fluency.

In English, we began our brand new Ready Steady Write unit. We were greeted with a mysterious package and some clues as to what our story was about. We quickly discovered that our book is called "Old Bear" and is about a group of toys who need to save their friend in the attic. Throughout the week, we focused on sentence accuracy, checking for capital letters and punctuation along the way. We will be planning our own version of the story next week.

In Maths, we continued to build our knowledge of counting to 10. This week, we counted backwards and focused on one more and one less. Keep up the hard work, team!

In R.E, we began our new unit all about Harvest. Our big question is, "How can we help those who don't have a good Harvest?". We talked about supermarkets and where our food comes from this week. We learned about donations and finished the lesson by designing our perfect Harvest food plate.

During our time with Mrs. Whittingham this week, we started our Geography unit. We discussed a lot of new vocabulary, including the types of places we see around where we live and around our school. After looking at some images of our local area, which many of us recognized and got very excited about, we labeled them all with the new words we had talked about. Next week, we'll think about whether we see these places rarely or often or even on our way to school

In PSHE, we continued our new unit on "Getting Heartsmart." We thought about spreading our power this week. We spent time complimenting others and noticing their achievements.

In Computing, we had our first lesson all about "What is Technology." We thought about a range of uses for technology. We finished by practicing using the app SeeSaw, as this is something we will use throughout our time in Y1.

We could not have had a more apt music lesson this week. Our song was called, "1-2-3-4-5!" Since we have been counting in our Maths lesson, we were so good at joining in with this song. We found the beat, shared how we felt about the song, and showed off some really cool dance moves! Well done, Year 1!

In our first P.E session this week, we focused upon finding space. We played lots of games to help us practise this and finished with a team game to help us build our teamwork. In our second lesson, we focused on jumping. We spent time practising different jumps around the hall using a range of equipment.

During our wellbeing time, we focused on our favourite colour. We also spent time learning a new calming strategy for counting down from a number when we are upset.

Throughout the week, we also had lots of provision time. During this time, we enjoyed the garden, explored the provision areas in the classroom, and had fun with role play games with our friends. It was great to see the construction and mud kitchen areas in full use.

What a brilliant week!

Enjoy your weekends,

Mr Dale

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