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C of E Primary School

Y2 News: School's out for the Summer!

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Our last couple of weeks together have seen us finish off our beautiful study work books. We all worked hard to ensure that all of our amazing learning was reflected in them. We especially loved reliving our superhero theme day through the creation of that page.

We wrapped up units in Geography and also completed our Heartsmart unit. We had lots of fun in Maths this week, whilst we completed a range of fun games and tasks. 

We spent lots of time outside this week enjoying playing football, the adventure playground and of course, Fort Lewis. 

We also said goodbye to Miss Malcolm who has been helping us with our learning this term. A huge thank you to her for becoming a key part of our Year 2 team. 

Myself, Miss Roux and Mrs Parker have spoken about so many amazing memories and funny moments about your Year 2 journey. We have shared so many laughs, moments of learning and happy times together and I will truly miss teaching every single one of you. I can't wait to see how you all thrive as you enter KS2 and remember don't be a stranger! 

Thank you for all the gifts, cards and kind words this week. We really do appreciate them. 

I hope you all have an wonderful summer and for the last time in Year 2 – have a lovely weekend,

Mr Dale 


And just like that, our time together in Year 2 is over...

Our last couple of weeks together have seen us finish off our beautiful study workbooks. We all worked hard to ensure that all of our amazing learning was reflected in them. We especially loved reliving our superhero theme day through the creation of that page.

We wrapped up units in Geography and also completed our Heartsmart unit. We had lots of fun in Maths this week while we completed a range of fun games and tasks.

We spent lots of time outside this week, enjoying playing football, the adventure playground, and of course, Fort Lewis.

We also said goodbye to Miss Malcolm, who has been helping us with our learning this term. A huge thank you to her for becoming a key part of our Year 2 team.

Myself, Miss Roux, and Mrs Parker have spoken about so many amazing memories and funny moments from your Year 2 journey. We have shared so many laughs, moments of learning, and happy times together, and I will truly miss teaching every single one of you. I can't wait to see how you all thrive as you enter KS2, and remember, don't be a stranger!

Thank you for all the gifts, cards, and kind words this week. We really do appreciate them.

I hope you all have a wonderful summer, and for the last time in Year 2 – have a lovely weekend,

Mr. Dale

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