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Safer Internet Week at Wybunbury Delves

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Last Tuesday was the official Safer Internet Day. At Wybunbury, we spent the week thinking about how we can stay safe when online. We also thought about just how amazing the internet is and discussed the many uses for it.

Children from Pre-School to Year 6 completed a range of activities around being safe online. Here is just a snippet of what some of the classes got up to:

Reception: "This week has been safer Internet week and we have discussed all the different activities we can do on phones, tablets, laptops and computers at home and in school. We compared some of the activities we can do by ourselves and those we need an adult to support us to do. Most importantly we discussed how to stay safe on the internet, to not give out any information about ourselves and to play games that are safe for our age group to play. Continuing the theme of staying safe we discussed what we should do if something we saw or was said online was upsetting or worrying."

Year 2: "Throughout the week, we focused upon online safety. On Tuesday it was the national day for online safety. We discussed how to stay safe whilst using the internet, spoke about passwords and read a story where Digiduck purchased lots of gold coins on her mum's account. We also used a new app called Interland to highlight the fact that we must be kind when online, just like we are in the real world. Interland can be played here: https://beinternetawesome.withgoogle.com/en_us/interland"

Year 3: "You have explored this years 'safer internet day' theme of 'All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online'. You watched the film and completed the quiz. You did amazing as we got 10/10! You then created respectful relationships recipes which were wonderful to read. They really show what lovely children you all are."

Year 4: "During our Safer Internet day worship we talked about how to be respectful online. Using examples of chat and things written online, we had the opportunity to discuss whether they were respectful. You gave lots of great advice, and you could identify when somebody was not being kind online, well done Year 4. We were also given the reminder to tell a trusted adult if someone is unkind online and they can a advise whether to take a screen shot, block or report. "

Year 5: "This week was Safer Internet Week. Throughout the week, we have looked at different activities to help us think about how to stay safe and what to do when we are online. One of our activities included reading different scenarios which you might encounter yourself when online. We discussed the different options you could take to stay safe. You came came up with great ideas. We also looked at the difference between private and personal information during our computing lesson. This is an important part of online safety because it helps us understand what information is safe to share and what information is not safe to share. Personal information is linked to things like our likes and dislikes, or how many siblings we have or the country we live in. It's information that cannot specially identify you. You can share this information but you must check with an adult before you do. Whereas private information can specifically identify you. An example of private information is your names, your address, your date of birth and your phone number. We learnt that you should never give away private information."

Well done, Team Wybunbury!

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