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C of E Primary School

3.3.23 – Year 2 News

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Our first week back after half term has been a busy one. We shared our worship with parents, found out about fractions and got our heads around Google Maps for Geography....

In our English writing lesson this week, we had the opportunity to reflect on our Forest School experiences by writing a series of diary entries. During the week, we practised using commas in a list, possessive apostrophes, and contraction apostrophes. To improve our writing, we also had the chance to reread and edit our work in green pen. It was fantastic to read all about your archery, fire building and shelter making adventures.

In our Maths lesson this week, we started a new unit on fractions. We began by exploring the concept of parts of a whole, using examples like a page being part of a book. We then progressed to identifying halves, and discovered that a half is only equal when the two parts are exactly the same size. To consolidate our understanding, we spent time practicing a series of reasoning and fluency questions, which helped us apply our knowledge and deepen our understanding of fractions.

During our Steps to Read comprehension work this week, we used the book "How to Help a Hedgehog and Save a Polar Bear" to answer a variety of questions. As we read, we encountered new vocabulary which we used to build our reading fluency and develop our understanding of the text. We used skills such as choral reading and skimming and scanning to quickly locate answers to questions. We also continued to build our phonics knowledge and reading fluency through a series of phonics sessions this week. We also all got dressed up on Thursday to celebrate World Book Day. It was brilliant seeing all your costumes and ideas!

We discussed the simple question- What is Music? We know we learn about music, but talking to each other brought up various thoughts on what music means to us. As our new unit will see us look at what music teaches us about our neighbourhood, we were able to think further afield about music and how it affects people all over the world. We listened to a written extract about music. It began with – Music is a bit like magic. It is not something you can see and yet it can be very powerful; it can make us want to move or change the way we feel; it can tell a story or bring the past to life. Asking this question about what music is, we shared our thoughts on what music means to each of us. Lastly, we performed our song – All Around the World.

Our new science topic on living things and their habitats has been an exciting and engaging experience so far. In our first lesson, we began by identifying and categorising things that are alive, dead, or have never been alive. This helped us establish a foundation for understanding the characteristics of living things and how they differ from non-living things. In our next lesson, we went outside to observe microhabitats in the forest school area, where we were able to identify a range of living and non-living things and classify them into the right label.

During our Geography this week, we started our new unit on farming. We started by exploring villages and specifically focused on Wybunbury. We also worked on developing our atlas skills, which helped us to better understand how to use the index. In our next lesson, we utilised technology and digital tools. We used Google Maps and Seesaw to create interactive slides about different types of settlements including villages, towns, and cities. This allowed us to explore these areas in greater detail and gain a better understanding of their unique characteristics. Can you remember what makes a village, city or town?

During our R.E lesson this week, we delved into the Lord's Prayer and focused on the concept of forgiveness. Specifically, we examined the phrase "forgive us our trespasses" and discussed the importance of both seeking and granting forgiveness. We reflected on our own personal experiences and mistakes, and explored forgiveness in repairing relationships and finding inner peace. Our next lesson will see us begin exploring the Easter story and the concept of resurrection.

This week, in addition to all our learning, we also took part in our class worship. In our Worship, we acted as courageous advocates for an important cause by sharing our message that littering needs to stop once and for all. We shared our message with parents, using our voices to spread awareness and encourage others to join us in taking action against littering. A huge thank you to all the parents that came along to join our Worship.

Please note that this week's P.E sessions are on Tuesday and Friday.

Have fantastic Sunday,

Mr Dale

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