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C of E Primary School

Year 1 weekly newsletter 25.11.22

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Another week has passed and you have worked like superstars! I am always so proud.

In English this week, you completed your shared writes on our own version of Mrs Armitage’s wheels which we decided to call ‘Mrs Armitage’s car’. We found out that Mrs Armitage was having some troubles with her car. You decided to plan out your stories and change the type of transport, pet and objects that Mrs Armitage wished for. Your stories are amazing and I know how proud you all are of your writing and so you should be. Some of you even decided to write some independent sentences about Mrs Armitage on a whiteboard during choosing time. Your writing just keeps getting better and better each week!

In phonics, you have continued to go to your different groups and learn your new sounds. You are continuing to develop your fluency and I am so impressed with your amazing reading! On Friday, you even managed to have a sneaky peak at the books in the book fair. This will be open after school on Monday and Tuesday.

In maths this week, you have been learning your numbers to 20. You started the week by learning how to count and write numbers to 20. You used two ten frames to show different numbers to 20 and used a number line to look at how all of the numbers are written. You then went on to learning how to work out how many tens and ones are in a number. You have completed practical activities to help you to understand tens and ones using base ten blocks. You also completed some power maths questions that looked at finding tens and ones in a number and making it.

In geography this week, you learnt how to read a map. You used a map of the play ground to find alphabet street names. When you were given the map you created your very own directions to find the street names. You then set off with your partner to search high and low to collect all of the street names. Some of them were trickier to find than others but you used your map very well.

In DT, you learnt what a wheel and axle is. You then tested a range of materials to make your wheels and axles from. You had to test to see if they were strong, the wheels moved and that the wheels moved fast to create speed. You used ramps to test your wheels and you had so much fun to see which ones were faster. This will really help us to create our cars in the next couple of weeks because you now know what materials to use for your wheels and axles.

In RE, we focused on our big question of ‘What can we learn about Jesus from the nativity story?’ We looked at the point where the angels came to the shepherds and told them they had good news. We learnt that the birth of Jesus was good news because he was the saviour and the son of God. We thought about how afraid the shepherds must have been when they saw an angel for the first time. You did some acting out and enjoyed pretending to be the angel or shepherds.

This week’s music lesson was a bit different due to a power cut! We soldiered on! For a warm up, we clapped our names and passed a high five round our circle as fast as we could. We did it in 10 seconds! Next we were introduced to a set of tuned boomwhackers. First, we placed them in height order. Then we studied the writing on them. We played the notes they are tuned to produce by hitting the tubes on to the table. We then read the solfège syllables on the tubes and played them in order.

In the week, you have also worked hard to practice our KS1 nativity. You had an acting and a singing practice. We will continue to work hard practicing this next week.

We have also spent a lot of time practicing our worship. You have worked incredibly hard to learn you lines, poem and song. You performed it to the whole school on Friday and to your parents. Unfortunately, we had a little blip as we had a power cut and no electricity. However, I am still so proud of how amazing the children were and how they just carried on spreading their amazing message of ‘saving the trees’. You are all my little superstars!

Homework has been sent out through email. Please upload any of your maths homework on seesaw. I can’t wait to see the pictures of your tens and ones.

Have a fantastic weekend Year One.

See you on Monday,

Miss Haynes

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