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C of E Primary School

Year 1 weekly news

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What a spectacular week we've had in Year One. You have been super busy showing your Taekwondo moves, mixing colours and being heart smart.

In English this week, you finished writing your good bus stories. You have focused on a structure of a journey story and written a simple sentence for each part of the story. I am so proud of all of the incredible story writing you have done. You thought so carefully about using adjectives in your story to add more description. Next week we will build upon this story writing to complete an independent short story using all of our learning.

In phonics you have continued to learn your new sounds and ready your phonics stories. You have used your comprehension skills to answer questions whilst thinking deeper about the story you're reading.

In maths, you were introduced to the part part whole model. You completed lots of practical activities over the week to help you consolidate your knowledge of using part part models to help you add numbers together. You used hoops in the hall to add two numbers to find the whole and you used sectioned plates and conkers to find a part. You understood that your whole is always going to be the greatest number and that you always add your parts together. You were able to pick up the mathematical skills of using part part whole models that quickly, you were ready to complete some questions in your power maths books on Friday.

In RE, this week you learnt about why Christians give their thanks to God. You found out that Christians believe that God is the creator and that he created our world. You listened beautifully to the creation story and you all took a part of the creation story to create. You then wrote a sentence to explain what Christians give their thanks for. Many of you said they are thankful for the plants, trees, sky, animals, light and dark. We put some of our creative work on our RE display and I must admit it looks beautiful.

In my happy mind this week, you learnt more about team HAP. We built upon our learning of the 'hippocampus' which we were reminded is like a scrapbook of memories. You found out that when you learning something new and continue to practice it, your hippocampus helps you to remember it. You all used your journals for the first time to draw a picture of when you had learnt something new. You had amazing ideas like learning how to 'clip and climb, swim without armbands, ride a bike without stabilisers and learnt how to do taekwondo'.

In history this week, you learnt about George Stephenson and why he was a significant person. You discovered that George Stephenson invented one of the very first Steam locomotives which was called the Rocket. You learnt about the importance of the train revolution and how much this made a positive impact to society.

In art this week, you learnt about mixing your primary colours to make secondary colours. You used water that had food colouring in to mix different colours. You then built upon this by mixing paint together to create your own colour wheel. You did an amazing job at colour mixing and I loved hearing all of your 'oooos' and 'aaaaaas' as you were able to make different colours. We then read one of Miss Haynes' childhood stories 'Rosie and Jim' that was all about the canal boat 'rag doll' and primary colours. We definitely had some very enthusiastic artists on Friday!

We were very lucky this week as we got to complete a taster session of taekwondo! Mr Wright was so pleased with how amazing you all were. We even got to watch Sophie show off all her skills and I think we can all say she was very talented! Sophie then became your teacher and helped you to punch and kick the bag, she gave brilliant advice and tips to you all!

1....2...3....go hunt! In forest school this week, Mr Hadfield linked your science learning of materials to forest school. You went on a hunt in the forest school area and you were asked to choose an item to bring back to the forest school shed. You then identified the material your object was made of and grouped them together. You then built upon this learning by looking at the properties of different materials and Mr Hadfield gave you some cards with different properties on. You then had to find an object that had this property. To finish this learning off you categorised your materials into natural and man made. What super learning you did! You finished your forest school session by making fires and toasting marshmallows.

In heartsmart you were introduced to the power on button. You learnt that powering the on button helps you to be heartsmart. This means that you are helping your own heart and other people's to be happy. We spoke about what would make a heart happy and what would make a heart sad. You had brilliant ideas and we agreed that we would always make other people's hearts feel happy. Following on from this, I took you outside to show you some nice games that you could play at all playtime and lunch time. I showed you the rules of the games and how you can play them as a whole class or in a group. We will keep learning new games each week.

What a busy week we have had! It was lovely to meet with all of your parents this week to discuss how you have settled into Year One. Thank you so much for all of your time.

Please remember that messy church is on Monday at 1.30-2.30. Please meet us down at church.

Have a lovely weekend team superstars.

See you on Monday,

Miss Haynes

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