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C of E Primary School

Year 1 weekly news 7.10.22

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Big red combine harvester, chug chug chug chug chugging away....what a super week we have had celebrating harvest and being busy with all of our learning jobs.

On Monday we walked beautifully down to church to celebrate harvest with our families. You sang our favourite harvest song to your parents and completed lots of crafts with your families. I loved seeing all of your creations!

In English this week, you have worked super hard on writing your independent naughty bus story. On Monday, you went out into our garden to become mischievous with your buses. You then planned and wrote your very own story. I was so impressed with your amazing story telling skills.

In phonics you have been continuing to learn new sounds and read your books so you can develop your fluency.

In maths you have been learning all about part part wholes. This week you learnt about fact families and found out that number sums can be written in many different ways. You also compared sums using your comparison symbols. You have become so confident with your adding now and looking for different resources to help you add.

It was a very wet forest school session this week but this didn't stop us from having fun! Mr Hadfield linked your learning to your science topic of materials. You concentrated on what materials float or sink and you looked at both manmade and natural materials. You learnt that if an object sinks this means it is heavier and denser than the water but if it floats it is lighter than the water. You then predicted what objects you think are going to float or sink and then you had a go at investigating with your own group. You finished the forest school session with developing your fire skills. You are all very fast at using the dragon sneezes to create a fire.

In RE, you learnt about God's world and how he would feel if his creations is getting destroyed. We discussed the different problems and concerns around our earth and who could be destroying it. You learnt that the bible tells Christians that God made humans to be the rulers of his earth and that he put his faith into us to look after his world. You wrote in your books what you would do to help look after the world. You had beautiful ideas!

In computing, you created your very own pic collages showing old and new transport. I was so impressed with how you used all of the skills I had taught you in the past few weeks to develop your creation. We had children changing background colours, changing font size and colour and you all learnt how to save your piccollage. I think we can all agree they look amazing!

We had fun in music. We enjoyed moving to the beat of – 'Head, shoulders, knees and toes.' We copied our onscreen character and even learnt what freestyle means. We loved choosing our own dance moves during the instrumental section.

In history, you developed your knowledge of George Stephenson by understanding how he has links to Crewe. You learnt that George Stephenson made the Grand Junction Railway and that this linked all the big cities together in the north. We then recreated the Grand Junction Railway using string and labels. You all had a go at being the passengers on the train and deciding which city or town you wanted to stop at. We learnt that Crewe was in the middle of the Grand junction railway meaning that the people from Crewe could travel further than their town for the first time.

We have had a brilliant week!

Have a lovely weekend Y1.

See you on Monday,

Miss Haynes

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