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C of E Primary School

Year 1 weekly news 4.11.22

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Boom, Crackle, Bang! What a brilliant first week back we have had celebrating our firework extravaganza.

Colourful bloomers,

Rainbow sparklers,

Night lighters,

Children lovers,

Dog haters.

Can you guess what poetry we have been writing about this week?

In English, we focused on poetry for our first time in Year One. We looked at kennings poem on Monday and discovered that these poems describe something without saying what it is. This means that we have to be the people to guess. After reading lots of different kenning poems we started to create our very own on our theme of fireworks. On Tuesday, you thought very carefully about what adjectives you could use to describe fireworks. We then used these words to create our very own kennings. We wrote our poetry up in our nearest writing and created a beautiful firework background with art pastels. Our firework night on Thursday really helped to bring our ideas to life! I am so proud with how many children have been our handwriting champions this week. Who will have it next week?

In phonics, you have been focusing on your set 2 sounds and reading them in words. We are working hard on trying to use our speedy reading so we can build up on our fluency.

In maths, you have started your new topic of subtraction. You have been working on subtracting by taking away, breaking a part numbers and using number lines. You have grasped the concept of subtraction really well. By the end of the week, we worked hard on writing our fact families using a part part whole model to find addition and subtraction facts. Mrs VR and I were so proud with how fast you answered your questions and understood how to find your fact families!

In art this week, you built upon all of your knowledge of canal art and clay techniques to evaluate your very own clay tile. Please see our picture of them and I am sure you will be in agreement with me about how superb they look!

In my happy mind this week you were introduced to a new topic of 'celebrate'. This focuses on celebrating all of your individual characteristics. We were introduced to the different characteristics you may have to offer e.g. love, kindness, teamwork or bravery. In your journals you drew a picture of when you have shown one of these characteristics. We had some pictures of the children at their first swimming lesson showing bravery or a picture of them hugging their friends and showing love. Remember year 1 you are all very unique and that is what makes you all so special and beautiful. Shine that uniqueness in everything that you do.

For our HeartSmart lesson this week, we played a game of Guess Who. We had to say why we were grateful for our classmates, without saying their names! We then had to guess who was being spoken about. There were some lovely reasons for choosing one another. Well done year 1! Bible reference – 'Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God.' Philippians 1:3
We had a very busy music lesson this week! We began a new music unit where our songs will be helping us understand how music can tell stories about the past. Our first song was Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. We shared our thoughts on this newer version and compared similarities and differences with the original.

In Geography, we looked at our local area of Wybunbury. You thought about your journey to school and the places you see and types of transport you use. We looked at lots of different places in Wybunbury and thought about if we visited these places often or rarely. We learnt that Wybunbury was a small village and that our closest towns are Crewe and Nantwich.

On Friday, we started to learn about courageous advocacy of the woodland trust. You learnt that the charity helps to protect woodlands and trees. Did you know that trees help us to breathe by giving us oxygen? This is why it's so important to save the trees and stop them from cutting them down. You created some amazing posters to spread this message far and wide. We are excited to hang these posters up in our local areas.

Over the week, you have attended lots of different worships. Your favourite was watching the Year two worship about their courageous advocacy of littering. We thought they spoke so confidently and sang so beautifully.

It was amazing to see you all at our firework night on Thursday. We all want to say a huge thank you the PTA for organising such a memorable night for us all. There was definitely a buzz of excitement in Year One on Friday as we shared how much we enjoyed seeing fireworks in school.

Homework and information about our theme day next Thursday have been emailed out on Friday.

What a busy week we have all had, I'm sure we have got some tired children this weekend. Have a fantastic weekend, be safe if you go to any firework events and I will see you all on Monday.

Miss Haynes

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