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C of E Primary School

Year 1 Weekly News: 29.9.23

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Another action-packed week has passed us by in Year 1...

In Phonics this week, we recapped all of our sounds and even practised reading some tricky red words. We read a range of RWI books to improve our blending and fluency.

In English, we completed our first big write in our Ready Steady Write unit of work. We, of course, used the Old Bear text to help us write a series of sentences about what had happened in the story. We used pictures and word gathering to help us think of the best sentences possible. We made sure to check each sentence using our sentence accuracy checkers. Well done, team!

In Maths, we wrapped up our unit all about our number of knowledge to 10. We completed a quick assessment that tested our understanding of comparing and ordering numbers 1-10. Moving forward, we then got to work to focus upon the part part whole model. We took it back to basics and by the end of the week, we were able to quickly identify the parts and wholes of particular pictures, shapes and numbers.

In our Mastering Number fluency, we continued to work with our Rekenreks. We developed an understanding of subitising and will use this new knowledge to help us build 5 in many different ways next week.

In R.E, we continued our unit all about Harvest. Our big question is "How can we help those who don't have a good Harvest?". We spoke about a range of different bible quotes that had a clear linked message of, "How can we help?". We used this knowledge to help us create posters all about the Harvest and the importance of sharing. We are excited to share the message of Harvest next week as we celebrate a Messy Church event in the hall.

In Science, we continued to think about materials and this week saw us think about objects around the room. We quickly realised that certain objects were made up from certain materials. We got to work observing and sketching a range of objects and labelling the particular materials that object was made up from.

In P.E, we continued to build upon our fundamental movements. We practised our running, jumping and turning. We ensured that we could find an appropriate space and used bursts of speed to get us there. We will now develop this through a series of games next week.

In Computing, we continued with our investigation of "What is Technology". We learnt all about the role of keyboards this week. We were able to type using our keyboards on the iPads and learnt about certain shortcuts and buttons to press. We once again used the app Paintz.app to demonstrate our knowledge. Well done, team!

In our wellbeing time, we focused on who makes us happy and who in our lives help us to be the best we can be. We drew pictures of friends, teachers and of course, family members.

Throughout the week, we also had lots of provision time. During this time we enjoyed the garde, explored the provision areas in the classroom and enjoyed some role play games with our friends. It was great to see the construction and mud kitchen areas in full use once again.

What a brilliant week!

Enjoy your Sunday,

Mr Dale

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