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C of E Primary School

Year 1 weekly news 28.3.23

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Beware of those pesky seagulls in Y1...

This week in English, you found out that Me Grinling is having more problems with those pesky seagulls as they have been taking his breakfast. You have been the most amazing story writers this week as you changed the story of 'The lighthouse keeper's lunch' to 'The lighthouse keeper's breakfast'. You planned your story carefully at the start of the week and changed the food, setting, and animal that is stealing the food. You focused on using capital letters for names and at the start of sentences and adjectives to describe both the characters and setting. We will finish the end of these stories off next week and I just know they will be absolutely amazing. Even Mrs Chesters popped in on one of our English lessons and couldn't believe how neat your writing has got. You should be so proud of the journey you have come on this year!

We've had lots of fun in maths this week as we have learnt how to measure capacity. First we learnt that capacity is how much something holds. We compared different measures of capacity. We then built upon this learning by measuring capacity using non standard units of measurement. You completed a practical activity where you measured how many cups it would take to fill a measuring cylinder, how many spoons of rice it would take to fill a jug and we really enjoyed working as a team on this activity. You then built upon your learning by answering word problems in your power maths books.

In our afternoon learning we have enjoyed immersing ourselves into our new topic of the seaside.

In history, you learnt all about Grace Darling and the Victorian era. We placed this event onto a timeline with our previous learning to see what happened first and what was the most recent thing to happen. We can't wait to learn more about Grace Darling and how she became a brave and courageous person after saving 9 people from a boat crash.

In my happy mind, you built upon your learning of engage. You learnt that feeling good inside makes you more motivated to do good. You thought about times when you had engaged in an activity that you were worried about doing but then felt good by accomplishing the activity.

In art this week, we carried our learning about Maud Lewis. You learnt about Maud Lewis' disability and the struggles she had with holding a paint brush. You learnt that she enjoyed printing when her hands got too painful. You practiced the skill of printing by printing repeated patterns using fruit and different objects. You also learnt the skill of layering paint that Maud Lewis also used to create her folk art and to make her artwork look more like a cartoon. You had a go at layering white on blue to create waves in the sea, yellow on top of green to create a grass colour and white on top of black rocks to create splashes. We are learning all of Maud's skills so we can create our very own painting in her style of art.

In science this week, you started your new topic on plants. We focused on what you already knew about plants and then we carried out some research on what plants need to grow. We are going to use this research so we can plant our very own seeds and watch them grow under our care.

They felt a gust of wind and then suddenly they had the glow of fire above their heads. It was the Holy Spirit! In Re, this week you were introduced to the story of the day of the Pentecost. You created your very own wind and fire and re-enacted the story as a whole class. We can't wait to learn more about what the Holy Spirit did to the disciples.

What a busy week we have had! Homework for this week was emailed out on Friday. I hope you have a fantastic long bank holiday weekend.

See you on Monday team superstars,

Miss Haynes

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