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C of E Primary School

Year 1 weekly news – 27.1.23

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The weeks are flying by and you are all continuing to make me so proud to be your teacher.

In English, you finished your shared writes off on your losing tale. You thought about where you will loose your animal and when you will find him again. We had a real push on trying to use interesting adjectives in our writing. You have mastered this now and have put so much detail into your writing as well as using 'and' to join two sentences together. At the end of the week you use a green pen to edit your writing and we even read some to the class. On Friday, you planned your hot write so it is ready to be written out on Monday.

In phonics, you have continued to learn your new sounds in both your morning and afternoon sessions. You are all becoming very speedy readers at the moment!

In maths, you have been working on subtraction when crossing 10. We found this very difficult so we spent a few lessons over the week on this method. Each time, we built upon our learning and made the sums that little more challenging. By the end of the week, you were becoming very confident on answering the questions independently. You also looked at solving subtraction word problems and we reviewed answering fact families with sums within 20. You remembered exactly how to solve fact families and did very well in this lesson.

In our afternoon lessons you have been busy bees.

In my happy mind you completed your final lesson on gratitude. You spun the wheel of gratitude to see what you were thankful of. You learnt what an experience was and thought carefully about the different experiences in your life. You then drew a picture of an experience that you were appreciative and thankful of. This showed us that we shouldn't just be grateful for the things we get but more the life experiences we have.

In history, you became debaters as you argued whether zoos are good or bad places. You thought about how George Mottershead must have felt when he first opened Chester zoo and some people were for and against the zoo. You looked at all of the different reasons why people like and dislike zoos and ordered them in for and against.

In RE, you answered the question 'What do the three crosses symbolise in the Easter garden?' At the start of the story, you listened beautifully to the Easter story read from the bible. At some points of the story, I would take out a resource and put it on the carpet. I then told you at the end that these resources can create an Easter garden which we see in churches around Easter. You learnt about what an Easter garden was, what the three crosses and the stone symbolise and then you created your very own to put on our display. I think we can all agree they look beautiful!

What can you see? What do you love? What questions do you have? This week you learnt how to give an opinion on a piece of Henri Rousseau's art work. You explored lots of his different paintings.

In science, you focused on your senses and this time we tested out that our senses work better in isolation or all together. Once we completed our investigation and then found out what we had actually smelt, heard, tasted. We soon realised that we got many of our answers wrong and our senses work so much better as a team. You also loved exploring lots of interesting facts about your senses. Did you know that everybody has a different number of tastebuds on their tongue and they are actually more sensitive when you're younger? Did you know that we have tiny hairs in our ears that help us to hear? As we get older we can lose or damage these hairs which then means we can't hear as well as we used to. Our minds were blown over these facts!

You completed PE with Mrs Jenkins and a cricket session with sportscape. On Tuesday, we also had the athlete Lauren Quigley in. You enjoyed completing a fitness circuit with her and then listening to her inspirational story of her journey on becoming an athlete.

Homework for this week has been emailed out on Friday.

Have a fantastic weekend and I will see you on Monday. Well done for working so hard!

Miss Haynes

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