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C of E Primary School

Year 1 weekly news 24.6.22

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Another very hot and Sunny week has passed in year one. You have been instruction writers, wales explorers and puppeteers.

In English this week, you innovated our instructions of a disgusting sandwich to create your very own. We started by planning the instructions on Monday and Tuesday. You thought very carefully about the key features we need to include in instructions such as imperative verbs and clear steps. Once you started to write your own instructions you used our shared write and working wall to help you structure your instructions. We’ve had disgusting sandwiches that include snail shells, pond weed, goo, toe nail clippings.they really are the most revolting sandwiches I have ever seen. I am so proud of your instructions and how hard you are working on your handwriting. Some of you have even had the handwriting champion this week, which is an amazing achievement.

In phonics this week, you have continued to revisit your set three sounds and focus on fluency and comprehension. We are working really hard at trying to be a speedier reader by using Fred in our head. It’s amazing to see the journey you have been on with your reading and how confident you all are now.

In maths this week, you finished your topic on position and direction. You looked at the meaning of left and right this week. Miss Haynes showed you that you can make an L on your left hand which can help you out with your directions. We built upon this learning further by learning about the language above and below. You put this learning into action by completing lots of practical activities where you had to instruct each other around a maze and also in your power maths learning. On Friday, we moved onto our new topic of time by looking at the language and meaning of before and after. We will continue with this learning next week. As well as our main maths learning you have also completed lots of fluency starter questions on adding and subtraction. I am amazed how well you can do this independently now.

Our afternoon learning has been filled with lots of different learning opportunities. Keep reading to find out what we’ve been up to!

In DT, we continued to focus on fruits and vegetables. We built upon our understanding of what is a fruit and what is a vegetable by looking at where they grow. You found out that all fruits grow on vines or trees and all vegetables grow in the ground or above the ground. You alll went into the orchard and garden to look for some plants and trees that had fruits and vegetables on. We found beans, strawberries, raspberries and lettuce.

In computing, you started to plan out your puppet pal story. You thought about what characters you are going to use in your fairy tale and what setting (backdrop) you were going to set your story in. You loved working with your partners and as a team you decided what would happen in your story. I can’t wait for you to film these next week and to show them in front of the class. I just know they will be the best puppet shows ever.

We’ve been to Scotland last week and already this week we went on a journey to Wales. You recapped all of your learning of Scotland in geography and Miss Haynes was so surprised with how much learning you had remembered. We then moved onto learning about Wales. You understood that Wales is filled with lots of mountains, valleys, castles and seaside resorts. It was lovely to hear you all speaking about your own experiences in Wales and all of the places you had visited. You completed a lovely activity in your book where you thought about the things that most represented Wales in your book and you wrote and draw them. Did you know there are 4 times as sheep than people in Wales? Crazy right!

In Re, you built upon your learning of Judaism by focusing on the story of Joseph. You learnt that Joseph was his dad’s favourite child and he was given a multi-coloured coat by his dad. He also had dreams where he expected everyone to bow down to him like a king. You all learnt how jealous this made his brothers and how his brothers were that jealous they sold Joseph to be a slave. You thought about you own experiences of jealousy and how you dealt with this emotion. I think we were all in agreement that you can all deal with the emotion of jealousy better than Joseph’s brothers.

For our HeartSmart lesson this week, we were talking about how unique and amazing we are in our own special way. We drew a picture of ourselves ready for our study-work page. We learnt that being ourselves and building good friendships is important to show others who we are, what we like, and what we are really like. Bible Reference – ‘ Love takes no pleasure in evil but rejoices over the truth.’ 1 Corinthians 13:6

In your sportscape sessions you have been practicing for sports day. On Thursday you were very lucky to have a rugby session facilitated from Mr Barker. You really enjoyed the session and we just want to say a huge thank you to Mr Barker for coming in.

On Friday, we had a little treat in the garden to cool us all down. We all had an ice pop to celebrate how hard we have all worked on our yellow phonics books that were given to you during half term. Your homework for this week has been emailed out to you.

Well done for another super week. Remember next Monday is Victorian dress up day.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Haynes

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