I could not be more proud than I am of you all this week. You have worked incredibly hard and have shown what super starperformers and learners you are. It has been a busy one...
In phonics this week, you continued to learn your sounds and develop your fluency in your reading. You are now recognising more and more words without needing to Fred Talk. The progress you have all made is impeccable and I love to see how much you enjoy reading different stories.
In maths this week, you completed two end of term assessments. You completed an arithmetic and reasoning paper that had questions about the learning we had completed this term. With Miss Holdsworth you also continued to learn about measuring. This week you looked at standard units of measuring and you learnt all about how to use a ruler to measure in cm. You enjoyed measuring lots of different items with your ruler and understanding that you've always got to start at 0.
In English this week, we used our time to practice our worship. However, you completed a comprehension and SPaG assessment and completely blew our socks off with your amazing skills.
In our afternoon learning, you have been geographers, computing superstars and sewers.
In RE this week, you completed your assessment and answered the question of 'How do Christians celebrate Easter in church?' And 'Why was the empty tomb good news?' In an Easter egg, you drew and labelled all of the ways Christian's celebrate Easter. You had wine and bread to show the last supper, Easter eggs, Easter gardens and palm leaves. You then thought carefully about why the empty tomb was good news because it meant that Jesus was still alive. You also learnt that the Easter egg represents the empty tomb- we found this fact very interesting!
In heart smart you started your new unit of 'too much selfie isn't healthy!' You thought carefully about the different ways you can 'give' by a gift, attention, time or love. You looked at what is better to give or to receive. Lots of you said it is nice to see people's reactions and smiles when you give something to somebody. You looked at how this links to the bible quote of 'love your neighbour as yourself' Mark 12:31
In your second heart smart lesson you played a game of 'who is missing?' This taught you to take notice of those people around you. We realised the game got easier when we took more notice of our peers and where they were. You were told that if you were to walk through life not recognising those around you then this is being too 'selfie' and that too much selfie isn't healthy. You looked at how this links to the bible quote of 'I give a new command: love each other. You must love each other as I have loved you.' John 13:34
What is it like where whale sharks live? This week in geography you learnt all about the 5 oceans and which oceans we might see whale sharks in. Did you know whale sharks are as long as a double decker bus? How cool is that! You were able to locate the five oceans on your map using a song to help you remember them and you were also able to pin point where we might see whale sharks. You found out that they most likely live around the continent of Oceania.
In computing, you created a study work page on your audio fact files of your favourite animals. We enjoyed listening to each others factfiles and learning all about the different animals.
Did you know that we can all see in Y1? This week you learnt how to do a running stitch. You used thread, binka and a needle to create your running stitch. You practiced with ribbon and string first and then created your own running stitch on your binka. This practice will help us when we create our puppets. What a sense of achievement it is to learn a new skill!
Finally, this week you worked so hard on practicing your worship about being a courageous advocate for the woodland trust. On Friday, you performed your worship to your parents and the school. We were all so proud of how confidently you said your lines and sang our beautiful song. You really did shine your lights in your performance and enlightened everyone on how important it is to look after the trees and woodlands. Your message was very clear throughout the whole performance and remember 'SAVE THE TREES'. We really hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did and we hope you enjoy planting your seeds. I have recorded the worship for anybody who couldn't make it and this will be sent out in the week.
I hope you all have a restful and fun weekend.
See you on Monday,
Miss Haynes
01270 841302
Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street