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C of E Primary School

Year 1 Weekly News: 17.11.23

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We are fully into the swing of things as we head into a busy few weeks of term.

In Phonics this week, we recapped all of our sounds and even practiced reading some tricky red words. We read a range of RWI books to improve our blending and fluency.

In English, we continued to analyze and explore our story of Rapunzel. We spent time talking about nouns, adjectives, and verbs. We highlighted the text, talked about the writer's knowledge, and even started to plan and write our new stories. We completed the first stage of our plan, thinking about the characters being introduced and how Rapunzel was trapped in the tower. We then completed our first paragraph filled with adjectives, conjunctions, and capital letters/full stops.

In Maths, we started a brand new unit on shape. We recapped our shape knowledge from Reception and then got to work thinking about what 3D shapes we knew. We learned lots of new vocabulary and spent time building 3D shapes – what great fun! We even went on a 3D shape hunt around school. It was so much fun! We will continue our investigations next week. We also continued to build our fluency skills in mastering number. This week saw us focus on doubles. We used our fingers, rekenreks, and ten frames to demonstrate our understanding. Well done, team!

In P.E, we continued our new unit of work all around gymnastics. We thought this week about how to turn effectively when completing a routine. We used one point of contact and our arms to help us balance. Well done, team!

In music this week, we continued to watch our Bring the Noise video of the Philharmonic orchestra. We joined in by singing along and clapping to the rhythms. We learned a new music word – melody. Melody is another word for a tune. It is described as a succession of pitches in rhythm. We used our vocals to show high and low sounds to demonstrate pitch. It was rather fun seeing who had the highest and lowest sounding vocals. Our listen and respond song was Daisy Bell (Bicycle made for two). The song sent a message about love and flowers. We danced and swayed along to the music. We even pretended to be riding a tandem bike!

In Computing, we started our new unit on digital painting. We used the app Brusho to use a range of tools and inputs. We decided to draw portraits of others in the class. Well done, team!

In Art, we started our new unit on playful making. We discussed what we knew about sculptures and even had a go at creating our own. Well done, team!

We also spent time this week thinking about Anti-Bullying. We read lots of books and had so many discussions about what bullying is. We completed the crumpled heart activity and realized that the words and actions we say and do have a lasting impact. We focused on the impact of kindness throughout the week. We can't wait to share our kindness messages in our class worship in a couple of weeks' time.

In R.E, we continued to think about the story of creation. We listened to the Genesis chapter from the Bible. We thought about how God would have felt after the universe had been created. We then created our own universes and filled them with all the amazing things creation has to offer.

On Thursday, we worked with Mr. Pascoe to help us with some rugby skills. We practiced throwing, catching, and running with the ball. Well done, everyone!

Throughout the week, we also had lots of provision time. During this time, we enjoyed the garden, explored the provision areas in the classroom, and enjoyed some role-play games with our friends. It was great to see the construction and mud kitchen areas in full use once again.

What a brilliant week!

Enjoy your weekend,

Mr. Dale

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