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C of E Primary School

Year 1 weekly news 16.6.23

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Wow what a hot and sunny week it has been for you all!

During our English lessons this week, we embarked on an exciting journey of planning and writing our very own independent instructions. The inspiration for our instructions came from our design and technology lessons, where we had the opportunity to create delicious smoothies. As we made our smoothies, we carefully considered the ingredients we used and the step-by-step process involved. Drawing upon this experience, we then crafted our own instructions, ensuring they were clear, concise, and easy to follow. Your instructions were amazing and I was very proud of your beautiful writing!

During our maths lessons this week, we delved deeper into the world of fractions. Our main focus was on finding a quarter (1/4) of different amounts. We explored the concept of splitting a whole into four equal parts, understanding that finding a quarter is equivalent to halving and then halving again. This connection between halves and quarters helped us grasp the concept more easily. As the week progressed, we challenged ourselves with problem-solving questions, applying our understanding of fractions in real-life scenarios. To assess our progress, we completed an end-of-unit check, allowing us to reflect on how much we have learned about fractions. Well done for your efforts and growth in this topic!

During our design and technology lesson, we embraced our inner smoothie enthusiasts and created our very own pineapple and raspberry smoothies. We began by recalling and applying our knife skills, using the claw and bridge grip to safely cut the fruits into small, manageable pieces. With precision and accuracy, we measured out the ingredients, ensuring the perfect balance of flavors. The highlight of our smoothie-making adventure was using the blender to blend all the ingredients together, creating a delightful and refreshing treat. We then sat in the garden in the sun enjoying our cold smoothies. It's safe to say that we have become quite the experts in the art of smoothie-making. Well done, smoothie masters!

During our religious education lessons, we delved into the captivating story of Joseph, as narrated in the Torah. We explored the complex dynamics between Joseph and his siblings, who harbored feelings of jealousy towards him, perceiving him as their father's favored child. This prompted us to reflect upon our own experiences of jealousy and how we have handled this challenging emotion. In our RE books, we wrote insightful sentences expressing instances when we have felt jealous, providing an opportunity for self-reflection and personal growth.

In our history lessons, we reached the conclusion of our exploration into the fascinating history of seasides. To wrap up the topic, we engaged in a thought-provoking activity where we examined photographs from various eras and ordered them chronologically. With a keen eye, we carefully labeled the elements depicted in each photo, noting the changes that occurred over time. Drawing on our observations and personal experiences, we composed descriptive sentences discussing the nature of modern-day seaside holidays. By comparing past and present, we successfully addressed the question of how these delightful getaways have evolved throughout history.

In our PHSE lessons this week, we delved into the important concept of forgiveness and handling negative emotions. To demonstrate the power of forgiveness, we used a bath bomb as a visual representation. In our next session, we focused on understanding and managing negative emotions. Through engaging scenarios, we identified various emotions and their corresponding effects on individuals. We generated strategies to help individuals address these negative emotions effectively. Additionally, we explored the impact of words and attitudes on ourselves and others. We learned about the concept of builders and wreckers, where positivity acts as a supportive force, building a person up like a sturdy tower. Conversely, negative words and actions can act as wreckers, causing damage and breaking down the person's emotional well-being.

We have been super excited this week as we saw that our pigeon eggs had hatched and left us with two fluffy pigeons. We have been carefully looking and watching over the next each day during our choosing time. You have been watching the mummy pigeon deliver food for her babies and you have also made sure that you are super quiet so you don't disturb the babies. We took some photos so that you could see them as well!
This week I was so proud of you as you all completed your phonics screening check! Your motivation, dedication and hard work helped you to read 40 real and nonsense words. I have never been more proud of you and I know that you gave it your all!

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Haynes

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