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C of E Primary School

Year 1 Weekly News 12.1.24

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I can't believe have finished our first week back after Christmas! It has been lovely to get to know all the children in Year 1 this week!

In Phonics this week, we recapped all of our sounds and even practiced reading some tricky red words. We read a range of RWI books to improve our blending and fluency.

In English, we were introduced to a detective mouse called Hermelin! We predicted what we thought was going to happen in the story and then found out if our predictions were correct.
We spent a lot of time talking about how the characters felt and different parts of the story. Some of the children were put in the HOT seat and became Hermelin. We used the un- prefix to change meanings of words and right statements and questions from the different characters point of view. We cannot wait to see what else Hermelin gets up to!

In Maths, we focused on numbers to 20. We have looked at the number 11 – 16, using our knowledge to make these numbers with different resources. What a brilliant effort, team!

In our well-being time, we thought about what is important to us. We spoke about our family, friends, and teachers.

A new term for us, means a new music unit. This term we will be using our new music books. We were so excited! This week we listened to ‘If you’re happy and you know it.’ When listening to this song, we had to draw our initial thoughts. Thinking about what the music made us think of. Did it spark a memory? Did it remind us of a special place? Well done year 1. The first page is completed!

In Art this week, we looked at artists that are inspired by Flora & Fauna. The children discusses the different pieces of artwork in detail. We then picked our favorite piece and attempted to sketch them. The children were so inspired they added their own touches to their sketches.

In Science this week, we started our new topic, all about animals and humans. We started by discussing what we already knew about animals (LOTS). Then we talked about the animal groups and where we might find these animals. We went on a hunt to find animals around school but turns out Year 1 are quite noisy and we didn't manage to see any. However, we did see some really exciting animals on the Wildlife Trust web live cams. Puffins, badgers, barn owls and many birds.

On Wednesday, we had a treat as we got to enjoy our first Forest School session of the term. We talked about different animals and looked at their skulls. We were then given the challenge of making a home for hedgehogs – how fun!

Friday afternoon we were introduced to our new class recognition board. The children had to create their own spark/light for when they are put on the recognition board. Today's task was to create their 'very best artwork' and all the children jumped at the challenge and ended the day letting their light shine on our lighthouse! Well done everyone!

I cannot wait for all the adventures we will have together in Year 1. What a brilliant week!

Enjoy your weekend,

Miss Willis

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