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C of E Primary School

Year 1 News 8.3.24

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Happy Friday everyone! We have a fabulous week this week with lots of fun activities. Everyone's World Book Day outfits were amazing!

World book day was a fabulous day! We were lucky enough to have a live video call with the author Helen Stephen's, she read us some of her stories and then taught us to draw one of the characters from her story. A big thank you to the PTA for funding this, it was great fun. We watched the masked reader and guessed which teacher was which, we cannot wait to find out who was who!

In English we carried on looking at 'Where the Wild Things Are'. We have answered questions about the characters and the settings in the story. We decided to enter the story and take part in our own wild rumpus, we danced and moved around the room. Then we talked about all our senses, what we could see, hear, smell, feel and taste.

In maths we finished our numbers to 50 unit. We looked at partitioning numbers, one more one less. Then we started our new unit length and measuring. In the afternoons we have been looking at the number 7, finding different ways of making it using our rekenkeks.

In PHSE we read the story of Borris the Robot, we talked about how he was feeling bad and when Amber and Josh showed they loved his fears and problems disappeared. We had a look at a bath bomb, we talked about how it was rough and hard. Then we put it in water and watch it fizz and disappear. The bath bomb showed how Borris felt, everything was too hard but when he was forgiven those bad feelings disappeared. Bible Reference: Love does not count up wrongs that have been done. Corinthians 13:4-5.

During PE we did some orienteering, going on a world book day hunt, listening to clips of stories and figuring out what story they had come from. We have carried on working on striking and fielding. We learnt aboutstopping the ball in the field with two hands creating a barrier with our feet and body. In our game session we put our skills together and had some games of cricket. Striking from a tee, we practised our fielding skills and worked on knowing when to run and when not to run.

In RE we have been looking at the Easter Story. We looked at some seeds and talked about how they looked lifeless and when we planted them they were in the dark and unseen. After planting our seeds we watched the Easter story, discussing Jesus being like one of our seeds, lifeless and in the dark, however on Easter Sunday Jesus emerged from the tomb in the form of a new life just like seeds sprout new life in their flowers. We recorded the Easter story on crosses.

In music we have been practising our Seed song in music. We have learnt some actions, and decided on a few extra parts too. We then listened and responded to our next song – Name Song. Towards the ended of the song, we shouted out our names! Our names belong to us and will always be ours.

In DT we have started making our hand puppets. We have learnt to thread a needle, and do a running stitch. We cut out our felt and designs and then practised our running stitch. The puppets are starting to come together and I am so proud of everyone's hard work. Great job team!

We started looking at Chester Zoo in history. We used a timeline to find out about Chester Zoo was created and we looked at the family that ran it. We are ever so excited to go to the zoo on Monday!

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend and is well rested for our zoo trip. I cannot wait for this adventure with everyone!

Miss Willis

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