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C of E Primary School

Year 1 News 3.5.24

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Happy Friday everyone! What a lovely week it has been in year 1.

In our English lessons we have been writing our Wild Thing fact files. We took our time planning each part of our fact file and used all of the phrases and vocabulary we had discussed. We were very excited to put our fact files in the empty book. I wonder what our next book will be about?

In our phonics we have continued looking at our additional sounds. Learning different ways to read and write words. We practiced reading some tricky red words. We read a range of RWI books to improve our blending and fluency. In the afternoons we have been watching phonics videos, reading lots of different words.

Maths has been all about halves and quarters this week. We started the week by looking at finding half in a shape. We had the understanding that the parts have to be equal for it to be a proper half. Then we looked at finding half in a quantity, thinking about sharing the amount out first to find the half. Quarters of a shape was introduced and we learnt that the shape needs to be split into four equal parts, we were very good at spotting 1 quarter. We talked a lot about about how a quarter is something halved and halved again.

For our RE sessions we got to visit the church on Wednesday. We found out all about baptism and what happens. We have been looking at Jesus' baptism and talking about why he was not baptised as a baby. Reverent Alison baptised our doll, Sparkle Billy. We watched how she drew a cross on the babies forehead with a special oil and then she covered the babies head with water three times. We really enjoyed looking around the church and learning new things.

This week in Computing, we have carried on looking at the keyboard. We labelled a keyboard, defining what the keys job was. Then we logged into google docs and continued our lost posters. We added numbers to the poster. After looking at the tool bar we had ago at making our text bold.

In Art we continued looking at spirals, we studied different shells, looking at all the different spirals that are found in shells. Then we learnt all about continuous drawing. We were given pens and told not to take the pen off the page. We had 5 minutes to add as much detail to our shells as possible. Miss Willis had to keep reminding us not to lift our pens and go over our lines. We all created some beautiful looking shells.

This week in athletics we have been learning all about the long jump. We had a beanbag race to warm up and then we talked about how we jump from standing still and land on two feet without toppling over. We used our arms to drive our jumps further and made sure we bent our knees when landed. We then tried to increase the distance of our jumps by adding in a short run-up. Afterwards, we played a jumping game.

In History we were given a photo of a lady. We did not know who it was, we asked questions about the photo. Then we found out it was Grace Darling. We learnt when she was born and when she died. We looked at where she lived and found out about why she is famous. We will look at her in more detail in the coming weeks.

In Science this week we have looked at our strawberry plants to see if they have grown. We have been looking at wild and garden plants. We talked about garden plants being plants that people choose and look after themselves and wild plants are plants that grow wherever the seeds fall. Then we went on a plant hunt round school to see what we had.

Have a lovely bank holiday weekend!

Miss Willis

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