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C of E Primary School

Year 1 News 28.6.24

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Happy Friday Everybody!

This week everyone in year one has worked extremely hard! We have started each morning by doing a quiz and each and everyone of you have completely shone! You should all be so proud of how hard you have all worked.

In our maths lessons we have continued looking at time. We have looked at clocks, telling the time to the hour and to the half hour. We have spent lots of time looking at clocks, using clocks, reading the time and drawing the time on clocks. We loved singing songs about the hours on the clock. Everyone will be telling the teachers its time for the next activity before we know it! Well done team you have really applied yourself with this unit.

In our phonics we have been learning some new sounds and recapping on those sounds that we know. We have been reading and writing words, applying everything we have learnt in our lessons. We have been reading our groups books, thinking about the story, playing jump in and answering questions about the story.

After all the taste testing we have been doinglately, we decided to put all of our knowledge to use. We have had time to design our own smoothies that we will make next week. We spent time thinking about our faviroute fruits and deciding what would taste great together. We drew a picture of what we think our smoothies will look like and listed the ingredients we will need to put in our smoothies.

In PE this week we had a special treat of having year 6availableto help us. The year 6's supported usby explaining the rules and the different positions and roles that each person has in a game of rounders. We then played a game of rounders with them where we worked on our teamwork and communication skills.

We have been looking at using a sprite on ScratchJr in computing. We know that a sprite is the character and when you start a programme on ScratchJr you are given a cat sprite. We needed to use the ocean background and therefore we needed to change our sprite to something more suitable. We had to find four different sprites and follow the algorithms to make the sprite move. We used all the knowledge we have learn in previous lessons and we had to explore using blocks we hadn't moved before. We loved exploring the app at the end of the session to find out more.

In our Geography lesson, we had a visit from Mrs Pointon, she had heard about our questions about the Thurstaston Beach and had taken Winnie and Winston to get some answers. We watched a video of Winnie walking along the beach and discussed whether it was a sandy or stoney beach. Then we looked at the photos Winnie and Winston had taken, discussing our how our questions had been answered. In our lesson we used digimaps to find out how far away we were from Thurstaston beach. Then we tried to find different beaches we had been to on the map, listing their features.

In our heartsmart lesson we talked about seeds of potential. We planted cress seeds and we are responsible for watering and looking after them to help them reach their full potential. We discussed cress reminding us that we have lots of hidden talents and abilities lying within us and even the smallest people can have a BIG impact. The bible reference we looked at was:'Then Jesus told another story: The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that a man planted in his field. That seed is the smallest of all seeds, but when it grows, it is one of the largest garden plants.' Matthew 13:31-32. We linked this to our previous RE sessions, talking about how Jesus was like a seed when he was put in the cave and thenreincarnated.We will now make sure to water these seeds so they can reach their full potential just like we aim to.

We have carried on comparing Jesus's world to our world. We watched some videos that told different stories from the Bible. We looked at the differences in the food we have today and the food Jesus had. We also found out whether Jesus had to go to school like us. We filled in our Questful maps to answer these questions.

After working super had throughout the days we have decided to enjoy the beautiful weather and enjoyed some time in our class garden. Whilst in the garden, some of us read with Miss Willis. It was lovely to see everyone playing and communicating so nicely with one another.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Stay safe in the heat and I look forward to seeing you all on Monday :)

Miss Willis

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