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C of E Primary School

Year 1 News 26th April 2024

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Happy weekend Year 1! This week we have been fact file writers, plant investigators and spiral makers. It has been a busy busy week.

In our English lessons we have been looking at describing our Wild Things. We started with words and small phrases and then created sentences ready to use in our for our fact files. We planned our first paragraph, thinking about the appearance of our wild things. When we wrote up our first paragraphs we had to remember to put in our headings and subheadings. We are looking forward to seeing our completed fact files in the 'Guide to the Wild Things' book.

In our phonics we have continued looking at our additional sounds. Learning different ways to read and write words. We practiced reading some tricky red words. We read a range of RWI books to improve our blending and fluency. In the afternoons we have been watching phonics videos, reading lots of different words.

Maths has been all about multiplication and division this week. We have been looking at grouping, sharing, making doubles and using arrays. We loved making doubles and quickly spotted we could use our counting in 2s to help up work our the higher doubles. In arrays we looked at columns and rows, we spent lots of time embedding column are top to bottom and rows are side to side. Everyone was great at sharing and understood that we have to share equally for it to be fair.

We looked at using different keys in Computing. We concentrated on using CapsLock and space bar to create sentences. We learnt about the flashing curser and how it shows where we are going to write. We started to make a lost poster for a lost teddy making sure to have capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. We are really enjoying using the keyboards and spotting all the keys. Keep up the good work team!

History saw us looking at the history of lighthouses.We have learnt all about lighthouses and how a lighthouse keepers job is to look after the lighthouse and warn ships of dangerous rocks. We then worked in table teams to create our very own lighthouses. Then we turned the light on just like lighthouse keepers to warn ships about rocks. The lighthouses are all on display, so each day we haveturned each lighthouse on as well has our candle to SPARK our love of learning and of life!

In PHSE the topic is fake is a mistake! We were giveneveryday objects e.g. banana, colander, peg, jumper, etc. We all sat in a circle and passed the different objects around pretending to use them as something else. We hadphonebananas,sunglassesbracelets, pegshair clipsandlots of funny ideas.
We discussed that is it fun to pretend that objects can be something us but they are best suited for the job they are designed for, bananas are best for eating. The bible reference we looked at was: I praise you because you made me in an amazing and wonderful way Psalm 139:14. We used this to talk about how sometimes it is fun to pretend we are someone else at times but we are our bests when we are ourselves – like what we are made for!

We carried on looking at plants in science, we recapped what we knew about seeds and bulbs, then we had a quick look at our strawberry seeds. We couldn't see any signs of growing yet but we are keeping our fingers crossed. Then we looked at the different parts of plants, we found our what all the different parts of the plants to to help them grow. We are really looking forward to our strawberry plants getting fruit on them.

In art we used different materials to create their own snail shell spirals. We smudged and added different lines/shapes to our work. We have loved finding different spirals in our everyday lives.

Music we have been looking at improvisation.We listened to 'Getting dressed' and we enjoyed talking about the song. We then used body percussion in the middle section of the song to showcase our improvisation skills. We love a boogie!

In our RE we learnt about the story of a Jesus' baptism. We learnt all about John the Baptist and how he didn't want to baptise Jesus because he believed he didn't need to be a born again christian. We looked at different interpretations of this story in the bible and then we had a go at creating our own interpretations.

We had a lovely end to the week with Mrs Wilmot coming in to read us a surprise story! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend :)

Miss Willis

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