Happy Friday Team!
In our English lessons, we explored a reading quiz all about a little owl and the different places people sleep. Everyone worked incredibly hard and showed such a grown-up attitude--something to be really proud of! We also read the story Hermelin and used it as inspiration to start planning our own detective stories. Together, we created unique detective animals, imagining where they live and the mysteries they solve, all as part of our planning for the Octopus Opening.
In our math lessons, we've been working with numbers up to 20, using number lines to fill in missing gaps and estimate positions. In the afternoons, we've focused on the composition of numbers within 10, using rekenreks to explore how numbers are made up of different parts and wholes. To help us understand this concept even better, we watched the Numberblocks clip "Whole and Parts", which not only helped us see how numbers can be broken down and put back together in different ways but also made us laugh!
In our RE lessons, we have been learning about why Jesus was so special. We read the Bible story The Calling of the Disciples and discussed what we think happened next as Jesus gathered his 12 disciples. We also created freeze frames to bring the story to life and talked about why Jesus chose each disciple, thinking about their qualities and what made them special.
In our Forest School session, we met the character Stickman and had fun creating dens for him. Using sticks and leaves, we built important parts of the dens to make them the perfect home, including beds and even toilets! We worked as a team, discussing our ideas and deciding what was needed to make the best shelter. It was so exciting to see everyone's creations! We ended the session by toasting marshmallows, which were delicious and a perfect treat after all our hard work.
In our Art lesson, we tried video drawing, where Miss Willis paused the video, and we had just five minutes to draw what we could see. Instead of saying what we see, we focused on drawing what we saw. Using handwriting pens meant we couldn't rub out mistakes, which helped us concentrate on looking carefully at the picture on the screen and our own page to get it right. It was a fun challenge that encouraged us to be confident in our drawing!
In our Computing lesson, we explored moving robots forwards and backwards using coding. We had to predict which picture the BeeBot would land on by programming its movements. Taking turns, we checked if our coding was correct by watching the BeeBot move. To finish the lesson, we had some fun playing on the BeeBot app, practicing our coding skills in a digital way!
In our Heartsmart lesson, we read The Smartest Giant in Town and discussed how the giant showed kindness to the other animals. We thought about what might have happened if he had ignored them and reflected on the Bible verse, "Do not forget to do good and to help one another." (Hebrews 13:16). We shared times when others had helped us and how it made us feel, then brainstormed ways we can help others. To put this into action, we were challenged to look for opportunities throughout the week to help others at school and at home. In our wellbeing lesson, we explored the idea of being able to instantly travel anywhere in the world. We each shared the places we would choose to visit and the reasons behind our decisions.
In our Science lesson, we recapped the different groups of animals, including mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and birds. We explored each group in more detail, focusing on the characteristics that define them. To deepen our understanding, we looked closely at two animals within the same group and compared their similarities and differences. This activity helped us see how even animals in the same category can have unique traits while sharing common features. It was a great way to observe the diversity within the animal kingdom!
I hope everyone has a lovely weekend and I look forward to seeing you all next week!
Miss Willis
01270 841302
Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street