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C of E Primary School

Year 1 News 23.6.24

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This week Year 1 have been super busy getting ready for our class worship. We hope everyone enjoyed watching it as much as we did doing it.

In our English we have been practising for our worship, taking our time to learn our lines and what we need to do. We are still looking at the book The Secret of Black Rock, we have been looking at Erin's diary entry. We have used all everything we have learnt to plan and write the first two paragraphs of our own diary entry. We have worked really hard on independently editing our work, making sure it all makes sense.

In maths we have started looking at our time unit. We have spent a lot of the week focusing on days of the week and months in the year. We have sung lots of songs to help us remember. We discussed the definitions of the words; yesterday, tomorrow, today, before and after. In our fluency lessons we looked at odd and even numbers and how they can be split.

We spent some time transitioning with Miss Haynes this week. We went into the Year 2 classroom and got to know our new teacher, we did some activities in the classroom and then we got to go on the adventure playground.

In computing we carried on looking at ScratchJr, we had to add backgrounds and add numbers to the blocks. We were also given some free time to explore the app.

In RE we have been comparing Jesus' life to our current day life. We read stories from the bible and talked about how they would be different if they happened today. We had photos and we decided whether they were from then or now.

In music this week, we continued looking at the naming tones called solfège. To help us further our knowledge, we listened to the sound of: Boomwhackers, a glockenspiel and some tuned bells. We noticed the difference in sounds due to each instrument being made of different materials. We noticed the boomwhackers are low in pitch and the bells and glockenspiel played a high pitch. We each had the opportunity to play these instruments and we were so excited about this!

In our Geography lessons we used digimaps to find out where the nearest beach was from Wybunbury. We learnt about the 5 oceans, and then looked at the seas that surround the United Kingdom. We found out that Thurston beach was the closest to our school. We spent some time looking at different beaches, thinking about what we had seen when we went to the beach or what we learnt from our Grace Darling history lessons. We then created questions about Thurston beach, we gave these questions to Mrs Pointon and she took Winnie and Winston to the beach to find out the answers. We look forward to hearing all about it next week.

We have have been tasting smoothies in Design and Technology. We tried three different flavours and decided whether we liked them or not. Once we tried the smoothies, we spent some time identifying the flavours in the smoothies. We will be designing our own smoothies next week with the knowledge we learnt in this lesson.

We have had a lovely week doing lots of different activities! I hope you have all had a lovely weekend.

Miss Willis

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