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C of E Primary School

Year 1 News 2.2.24

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Happy Friday!

Year 1 have a super busy week this week!

In Phonics this week, we have been looking at our set three sounds in more detail. We practiced reading some tricky red words. We read a range of RWI books to improve our blending and fluency.

In English, we started writing our detective narrative. Everyone has worked really hard with their writing. We have used; the prefix -un, and to extend our sentences and really thought about our capital letters and punctuation. There is some great narratives about different detective animals. We can't wait to read each others when they are finished!

For this week's daily math lessons, we are still concentrating on numbers to twenty. We have been looking at our number bonds to 20. We have had to use our knowledge of number bonds to 10 to help us a lot! We have been focusing on the number 6 in our fluency math. We discussed how even numbers have a pair and odd have a pair and one odd one.

We have been looking at moving floor robots in our computing. We had to work out which buttons to press to get the bee bot to different areas. We wrote down different instructions and then tested them out out. We spent a lot of time talking about how the left and right buttons only turn the bee bot on the spot, it does not move them.

In PE we warmed up by playing a cat and mouse game. The mice had to dodge the cat and stop it from grabbing their tail. Once warmed up we each got given a hockey stick, we spent time learning how to grip the hockey stick correctly. Then we spent the lesson looking at how to dribble the ball around. We all wanted to challenge ourselves by dribbling round the cones.

We have been looking at animals diets in science. We starting by recapping the groups of animals. Then we looked in more detail at their diets. We learn carnivores only eat meat, herbivores only eat plants and that omnivores go om nom nom and eat everything! We spent some time working in teams looking at what each animal ate then grouping them with animals with the same diets.

This week in our music lesson, we had to choose, and circle the name of the percussion instrument in each box. We will be adding some of these to our graphic score over the coming weeks. These instruments will definitely enhance our animal music. We also looked at ways we can use our bodies to create sounds. In table groups, we shared our ideas. Well done year 1!

This week we started forest school with Mr Hadfield reading us the "peck peck peck" story. We all joined in with different parts of the stories. The little bird leant to peck a tree and when he went to practice he was super cheeky and pecked lots of things he shouldn't have. Oh no he pecked the knickers! Which we found really funny. Once we had heard the story we became birds and built the biggest nest we have ever seen. Mummy and daddy bird were picked by Mr Hadfield and then the eggs began to hatch. Daddy bird taught us to fly with them. We had a go at making burgers whilst using the bow and arrow. Once back in the outdoor classroom we used the dragon sneezes to make sparks and then finished off with yummy marshmallows! What a busy forest school session!

In art we have been designing our final pieces. We all picked an animal and drew it in our sketchbook. We hen took our time painting our pieces of tissue paper; adding layers in the correct colours for our animals. Once we have let our tissue paper dry, we will use it to put our animalstogether in the style of Eric Carle.

In RE we have continuedlooking at Jesus and how he is special. This weeks focus was Feeding of the Five Thousand (John 6:1-15). We looked at different artist impressions of this story and discussed the story, in particularthe little boy sharing his food and how Jesus used his special powers to help.

Have a great weekend!

Miss Willis

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