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C of E Primary School

Year 1 News 20.9.24

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Happy Friday Team!

In English we have started writing our big write. We have reread the Old Bear story and got our ideas from there. We have planned and written our octopus opening and build up bear. We thought of our own characters for the story and then decided who was stuck in the attic. We have all worked really hard on writing our paragraphs using the model from Miss Willis. On Friday we learnt how to use our green pens to edit, we spent some time making sure to fix mistakes and edit to make our writing the best it could be.

In maths we have been looking at more and fewer. We talked about what these words mean and then looked at different objects and decided whether there was more or fewer. We also looked at greater than and less than. Wen met the hungry crocodile and learnt that he only likes to eat the bigger number so we have to make sure he is facing the bigger number. We learnt about the equal symbol, using it when the numbers were the same. In the afternoons we have been looking at the number 5.

In computing we looked at computers and laptops. We learnt what all of the parts were called. We draw pictures and labelled them with the screen, mouse, keyboard and base unit. We had a chance to use a mouse or trackpad to find out how to click and drag.

In history we looked at the types of toys our parents played with when they were younger. Some of the parents kindly brought in their toys, showed us them and then we had time to play with these toys. We had a great time learning how the games worked and spending time with the adults. We compared them to the toys we have. A big thank you to everyone that came in and played with us today!

Hopping. In PE we played various games involving hopping. We remembered how to balance with our arms outstretched and our eyes fixed on a spot, then we progressed to hopping – slowly, quickly, high, low, sideways, forwards and backwards. We also worked on our turn-taking and teamwork in our small groups.

For our science we carried on looking at materials. We listed the materials we knew. We then looked at properties of objects, defining what materials each object was made from. We wrote in our science books what scissors, tables and windows were made from.

We became sculptors in our art session. Everyone was given a piece of clay and told it was to build a sculpture with. We all got to work making our ideas come to life, it was lovely to see the different sculptures each child made. Some children even made new sculptures at home as well.

Wybunbury Seesaw This week's music lesson saw us dance and sing to our next song – 1-2-3-4-5. We had great fun finding the beat, swaying to the music (just like our onscreen character). We then played a number game. We had to start at number 1, moving along so we could say the next number as quick as we could!

In our Heart Smart lesson we talked about emotions. We discussed what each emotion meant and then we pulled different faces to show our emotions. We were given a bingo card with emotions on and had a great time playing bingo.

We were looking at harvest in RE. We spent some time thinking about all the foods that are harvested. We looked at locally sourced food, food from the UK and food from all over the world. We spent some time looking at the food we have in our homes and found out where it came from. The food we buy in the shops comes from all over the world. We also talked about special foods we eat such as pancakes and pigs in blankets. Then we discussed our favourite foods, thinking about where the ingredients come from.

It has been a lovely weekend. Keep up all the hard work and have a great weekend.

Miss Willis

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