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C of E Primary School

Year 1 news 18.11.22

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Can you believe how fast these weeks are going Year One! It'll be Christmas before we know it. You have done some super learning this week as always! 

'I wish, I wish, I wish' This week in English you have been learning your new wishing tale about Mrs Armitage on wheels. You have loved learning this story and about how many crazy inventions Mrs Armitage can add to her bike. You have taken park in lots of short burst writing activities such as role on the wall, describing what Mrs Armitage looks like and creating some new wishes for Mrs Armitage. On Friday, you learnt about the structure of a wishing tale and boxed up your story. This means we are ready to start planning our own wishing tale story on Monday. 

In phonics, you have been continuing to learn your new sound and read your phonics books in session. We are focusing on becoming a speedy reader and being able to recognise more words each day. 

In maths, you have come to the end of your subtraction topic and wow Year One you have worked incredibly hard. You have learnt how to subtract by crossing out, counting back, using fact families and even comparing addition and subtraction sums. You are superstars! 

In our afternoon learning you have been working hard on all of your different subjects as well as practicing for our nativity and worship. What buddy bees we have been! 

In my happy mind you have been learning about your personal characteristics and how we should celebrate our individualities. Each day we thinking about what personal characteristic we have used so we can celebrate it with our friends. Have you been brave today? Have you shown teamwork? Have you been honest? 

In PHSE, you have been learning about healthy and unhealthy living habits. You have learnt that medicine is only healthy to take when you are ill. You have learnt about where different types of medicine and injections go. You have also learnt about who are the people that can give you medicine and injections  

In science, you have been continuing to build upon your learning of materials and their properties. This week you had three different cups on your table. You had to label what the material was and what the properties of that material are. We then thought about why we can get three cups that are made out of completely different materials. 

In geography, you learnt all about maps and why we use maps. You all discussed how maps can be used on phones, in cars or by pilots and train drivers. You even said that sometimes when you go into a new town or village you have spotted maps on a display board. You were introduced to the compass points north, east, south and west. We then created a group map of the classroom using pictures on the carpet. On your tables you then had to use a muddled map of the classroom to sort out and create your own map. We found this very difficult! 

In Re, you have been introduced to the Christmas story and your big question of our topic 'What can you learn about Jesus from the Christmas story?' You discussed what you already know about Jesus. You then ordered the Christmas story so I could see if you can remember anything from last year's RE learning. You then focused on the first part where Angel Gabriel tells Mary she is going to have a special baby called Jesus. We realised we learn a lot about Jesus from this first part because we find out 'Jesus is a special baby' 'Jesus is God's son' and 'Jesus is our saviour'. I wonder what we will learn about Jesus in our next part of the learning. 

We had a jam-packed music lesson this week! Our listen and respond song was written in 1892! Daisy Bell (Bicycle built for two), was a song we had to listen really hard to. We learnt that in 1892, a tandem bike was a new and exciting invention! We would love to ride a tandem bike! We learnt this songs' articulation is smooth. The actual name for this is – legato. This means the notes are played smoothly. We also looked at the structure of this song. We were surprised to discover it has no verses! It has an instrumental solo section, an introduction and a chorus. We had to listen out for Billy Beat and Rita Rhythm. This was a bit tricky! We moved on to clap the syllables in our names. The maximum syllables was 3. We enjoying clapping each other's names!

You have taken part in many worships across the week. Your favourite was definitely Year four's worship on their courageous advocacy which is about promoting mental health and well-being. We thought they read the story about the colour monster beautifully. 

Have a lovely weekend superstars!

See you on Monday, 

Miss Haynes 

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