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C of E Primary School

Year 1 News 17.5.24

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Happy Friday everyone!

In English we have carried on looking at our book; the secret of black rock. We got a chance to ride our very own sail boats and look at the different weather and how it affected the sea. We have worked as a group to make a setting description. Then we planned and wrote our octopus opening, our own story based on what we have read.

In maths we have been looking at numbers 50 to 100. We have been counting in 1s and 10s. We partitioned our numbers to make our counting easier. Counting in 10s and then adding the 1s on.

In our phonics we have been recapping sounds that we have not embedded in our learning yet. Learning different ways to read and write words. We practiced reading some tricky red words. We read a range of RWI books to improve our blending and fluency. In the afternoons we have been watching phonics videos, reading lots of different words.

This week in athletics we have been working on throwing skills for events like the javelin. We learnt to throw with good technique and then added in a run up to try and increase the distance of our throws. When throwing the javelin we had to stand in a side-on position to the direction we were throwing with our throwing arm pulled back and our opposite arm and/or shoulder pointing to the target. We checked understanding by describing what good technique is and how we have improved during the lesson. We had to warm up inside with a throwing game until the rain stopped and we could move outside and use the javelins.

In art we have been drawing our final pieces. We used all of the techniques we have learnt over this term to create our own shells. We used physical shells for inspirations and then we spent our time carefully drawing and blending our work together. There was lots of smudging and blending. Some beautiful final pieces!

We had our brains tested in music this week! We played a game called, I went to the shop and I bought...We bought a lot of things! Our most interesting item was a Venus fly trap! We were amazed to see what one looks like. Having fun was definitely our main aim. We managed to remember most of the items and almost made it to end of the line. Great job year one!

In RE we have been completing our questful maps all about Christenings. We spent our lesson finding out about how Muslims welcome new babies. We found out that they like to name the baby within seven days of them being born and their names need to have special meanings. We spent some time looking up what each of our names meant, it was great fun finding out all the interesting meanings and then we thought about why we were named this.

In our heartsmart lessons we have looked at being see through in our friendships. We discussed the bible reference 'God does not lie. Titus 1:2'. We don't want people to have to guess what is inside us and get it wrong. We want people to know us and understand us; that is when we can make really good and strong friends.

In science we have been looking at fruits and vegetables. We discussed the difference between fruits and vegetables and how we eat different parts of the plant. We had to sort different fruits and vegetables.

We have continued to find out more about Grace Darling in History. We had to put her life events in the correct place on timelines. We learnt that Grace Darling has a museum dedicated to her and a book written about her life.

We loved having a mystery reader in this afternoon!

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Willis

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