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C of E Primary School

Year 1 News 16.2.24

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Can you believe it, our first half term together has come to an end! What a complete pleasure it has been to get to know everyone and be a part of the Wybunbury team! Year 1 have worked incredibly hard and have been super busy this week! 

Mr Hadfield read us a love story all about a slug to start forest school. Then he taught us how to make a shelter to protect us from the weather. We followed his steps and were very impressed with what we created. Finishing our last forest school with marshmallows! It has been a great couple of weeks exploring the outdoors!

English saw us complete our detective stories, there was so many fabulous ideas and we all tried really hard with our editing and everyone created something they should be proud of! Well done team!

Maths we carried on looking at numbers to 20. We have been adding and subtracting, fact families, finding missing numbers in number sentences and answering tricky word problems. In the afternoons our focus was on the number ten. We looked at all the different ways to make 10, using our hands to show this. If anyone wants to practise over half term, the 1 minute white rose app has lots of questions on there to have ago at. 

For Health and Safety week we became hazard detectives. We looked at first aid, and discussed what first aid is and when it is needed. We also listed the first aiders we have in school. Then we drew what we thought needed to be inside of a first aid kit. We defined the word "hazard" as something that could cause harm. We then looked for hazards in our classroom and how we could avoid these hazards. After we went into the staff room to find that there were many hazards, we recorded them and then fixed the staff room to remove any hazards. PC Nick came to teach as about how to call 999 and the best ways to keep safe in an emergency. 

During our PSHE lessons we have been concentrating on feelings. 'My dear brothers, always be willing to listen and slow to speak. Do not become angry easily.' James 1:19 was the Bible reference we looked at. We discussed the different feelings we knew about and then used this knowledge to show different feelings through facial expressions. 

Wow year 1. You turned into animal superstars this week in music! You followed your onscreen composition and played at the correct time! We did need to reduce the tempo to make sure we fitted each of us in the sequence. Your percussion instrument playing and body percussion was brilliant! Well done!

The weather held out so this week we managed to get outside for our PE lesson. We carried on looking at dribbling. We used the hockey sticks to move the ball around the space, making sure to keep control. Then we got into partners and learnt how to pass and receive the ball. 
WOW! The whole class are amazing artists! We have made our final pieces in art. We used the tissue paper we have decorated and traced our design. Once we had cut out our traced shapes we placed them to create our desired shape. Many different animals were created and we were all super proud of our final pieces.

What a fabulous half term we have had, I hope everyone enjoys their half term break. I cannot wait to see what other adventures we get to experience next term!

Miss Willis 

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