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C of E Primary School

Year 1 News 15.11.24

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Happy Friday Team!

WOW! You all well and truly blew my socks off today! You all did an amazing job, making sure your lines were clear and carrying on when the microphone stopped working. I am incredibly proud of each and everyone of you for shining so brightly!

In our English we have been looking more closely at the characters in the story Rapunzel. We did a role on the wall, writing how the characters were feeling inside of the picture and then on the outside what Rapunzel looked like. Miss Willis did a role on the wall for The Witch, then everyone helped her to write a character description for the Witch. We decided the Witch is horrible and cunning. We found out we are going to write out own story based around Rapunzel, we all planned our Octopus Opening.

We have been looking at 3D shapes in math. We spent some time recognising shapes and naming them. We counted the shapes and looked for odd ones out. We had to sort the shapes into groups. Then we went on a 3D shape hunt round the school. We spend some time recording the different 3D shapes we could see by tally.

In our RE sessions we have been learning about Jesus' religion. We found out that Jesus was not actually a Christian but Jewish. As a member of a Jewish family Jesus would have celebrated Shabbat, Sukkot, Passover, Hanukkah, Purim and many other annual feast days. All of these festivals are still celebrated by Jewish people today. We have all previously learned all about Sukkot and built mini Sukkahs. We listened to Bible stories about Jesus in the temple. We then linked the Seder plate to the story of Moses leading the people of Israel out of Egypt. We finished the lesson by listening all the special days and events we celebrate.

As part of Anti-Bullying week we have spent some time talking about respect and how we show other respect. We read the 'The Smartest Giant in Town' and talked about We learnt the definition of bullying,
S – Several

T – Times

O – On

P – Purpose!

We also had a great time listening to Bart Gee talking about turning disability into possibility. We enjoyed the workshop he held, making sure we all believed DIFFICULT = POSSIBLE; never give up on your hopes and dreams, adapt and persevere.

In PE were introduced to our new unit. Our warm up involved holding a front support that our classmates could crawl under and we found it very tricky to hold for the amount of time needed. Afterward we talked about the difference between symmetrical and asymmetrical arms in gymnastics. We walked around making different shapes with our arms before introducing some elegant gymnastic stepping where they were to start with both feet together and lift one leg and extend it straight in front of them and then retract that leg back to the leg they were balancing on, before stepping forward. We then repeated using our other leg repeating the process of 'lift, point, retract and step and added in the arm movements. Finally we were shown how to turn by crossing one arm over our body and swinging it back, using the force of the swing to help us turn in the different directions.

In Geography we carried on looking at maps and routes. We recapped on our favourite places on the school grounds to play. Then we found out Winnie and Winston had never left the Year One classroom and wanted to know where is important around the school. We recored why each part of the school was important to us for and then we took part in fieldwork. We took Winnie and Winston around the school and showed them the parts of the school, we then plotted to route on an aerial photograph of our school.

In DT we looked at fruits and vegetables. We had a potato, carrot and an apple. We looked carefully at them and decided the apple was the fruit because it had seeds. Then we talked about where fruits and vegetables grew. We knew some vegetables grew under the ground because they were covered in mud, and some vegetables we eat the leaves and stem so we discussed them growing above the ground. We found out fruits always grow on trees and vines, so they always grow above the ground. We had to sort the fruits and vegetables into growing below the ground and above the ground.

We have also spend some time learning the songs for our nativity. Everyone listened really carefully and we're confident with the words in the songs.

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend, and I look forward to seeing you all on Monday.

Miss Willis

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