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C of E Primary School

Year 1 News 14.6.24

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Happy Friday team!

In English we have carried on looking at our book the secret of black rock. We completed our wise owl, finding different parts from the example text. We then started to plan our own diary entries and then we wrote the first paragraph. Wow there was some amazing writing and you were all really grown up with your editing.

In maths we have really focused on learning all the coins and notes in money. We have learnt to add up amount in coins and notes. It hasn't been easy but we have worked super hard.

Miss Haynes took us all to have a go at a phonics quiz this week, everyone put 100% in! Miss Willis and everyone at Wybunbury Delves is really proud of you all.

We have been looking at joining blocks on ScratchJr in computing. We learnt how to make algorithm to make our cat sprite move. An algorithm is a set of precise instructions, showing what you want the program to do. We had to follow different algorithms to find out where our cat sprite would land. We used a start block, moving blocks and an end block. At the end of the lesson we had time to find out new information about the app.

We spent some time in PE learning the rules of rounders and playing games. We took turns to be fielders and batters.

In D&T we have been taste testing again. This time we talked the flavours bitter and sweet. We discussed what bitter meant and what different foods we thought were going to be sweet. We tried the food and then sorted them out into bitter and sweet.

We have been looking at digimaps in geography, recording where we did our fieldwork. We looked at the route we took last week, we marked the green areas where we placed our D-day flags. We then drew our own maps with the route and the placed flags.

In heartsmart we have been looking 'No way through isn't true'. We talked about when we are learning to do something new we can make mistakes, it's how we learn. We had a go at an obstacle course, we were not allowed to teach the floor. We had a second go to improve, we talked about how we could help support one another. Bible reference: So don't worry, because I am with you. Don't be afraid, because I am yourGod. I will make you strong and will help you; I will support you with myright hand that saves you. Isaiah 41:10.

In RE we have been looking at comparing Jesus' world to our world. We discussed what we think Jesus would and wouldn't have.

We ended the week by having a lovely time in our class garden.

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Willis

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