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C of E Primary School

Year 1 News 10.5.24

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Happy Friday everyone!

In English we have started our new book! We found out it was set at the seaside and made predictions to what we thought was going to happen. Miss Willis read the book and we found out about the BLACK ROCK. We have not read the whole story yet but we are very interested in what is happening. We spent some time reading an example text, and inferring answers from questions.

In maths we have been looking at position and direction. We started by looking at turns: quarter, half, three quarter and full turns. We spent lots of time turning and figuring out what turns we were doing. We have also looked at left and right, using our hands to help us know what way to go. Then we have been directing one another around using the key words; forwards, backwards, left, right and turns.

In our phonics we have been recapping sounds that we have not embedded in our learning yet. Learning different ways to read and write words. We practiced reading some tricky red words. We read a range of RWI books to improve our blending and fluency. In the afternoons we have been watching phonics videos, reading lots of different words.

In computing wehaving been looking at the toolbar on google docs. We have looked at the different buttons to change what our text looks like. Some of the things we changed was the font, colour, size, bold, italics and underlining. We looked at making our title stand out for our lost poster.

We continued looking at Grace Darling in History, focusing on the day: 7th September 1838. We watched a video explaining all about her life. Then we talked about what happened on the night of the 7th. We put the key events in order and the created a comic strip of what happened, labelling it with our information.

We've done lots of practise for sports day in PE. We started with an obstacle race, then worked on our skipping skills as we're currently struggling with that area of the race. We'll work on this some more next week. We have also worked hard on the relay race, ensuring we pass the baton carefully but quickly.

In RE we have talked about our trip to the church and watching Rev Alison baptise baby Sparkle Billy. Rev Alison told us, when someone is christened they become a part of the christen community. We discussed what Rev Alison meant, talking about all the groups we are belong to. We said that we like to belong to groups because it makes our heart warm. We talked about how it feels to be left out and what we can do to include others. We were then given a puzzle piece each and told even though we are all individuals, when we come into school we belong as one. We had to work together to put our faces together on our puzzle.

We havebeen looking at trees in science. We discussed the difference between deciduous and evergreen trees. We then became tree investigators and went on a hunt for different leaves in our school, identifying each type of tree.

In art we have been drawing shells with pens, adding a little bit of colour and then using water to make the pens spread and smudge a bit. It added a lovely texture to our artwork and we all really loved looking at different shells and taking our time with our work.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Miss Willis

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