Our last week of learning before the half term in Year 1 showed just how far we have all come...
In Phonics this week, we reviewed all of our sounds and even practiced reading some tricky red words. We read a range of RWI books to improve our blending and fluency.
In English, we concluded our unit on Old Bear. We spent the week completing our independent writing. We wrote a letter to the rest of the toys and asked them to save us from the loft. We were able to use capital letters, full stops, conjunctions, and even question marks. Well done, team!
In Maths, we focused our attention on subtraction. We used part-whole models, number lines, and concrete resources to help us build an understanding of 'less than' and subtraction. We thought about what 'one less' meant and even used part-whole models to create number sentences. Well done, everyone! We also continued to focus on mastering numbers. This week, we made numbers with 5 as a part. We used our rekenreks to demonstrate this.
In R.E, we concluded our unit on the Harvest. We reviewed all our learning and used this to complete our Questful map. We recalled what we could remember and used both pictures and words to explain our understanding of what happens when people have a bad harvest.
In Science, we spent more time thinking about everyday materials. We continued to order and sort materials based on their properties. Our first task after half term will be to finish our mind maps that explain all of our understanding.
In History, we spent time learning about Rosa Parks as part of Black History Month. We learnt all about her incredible life and designed amazing posters around this.
In P.E, we continued to build upon our fundamental movements. We focused on different jumps, hops, and our balance within these. We can't wait to transfer these skills into gymnastics after half term.
We had a really busy music lesson this week. We worked as a team to answer a variety of questions, all linking to our learning this half-term. We learned a new song with actions called 'Boom Chicka Boom.' This song really made us chuckle! We had to watch, copy, and repeat. We had a lot to focus on, but we did really well considering it was our first time following along.
In our well-being time, we thought about the things that make us happy. We noted these down and had discussions around this.
In Geography, we continued to focus on our local area. We built our knowledge of local maps and even used Google Earth to plan a journey to school. Well done, all!
Throughout the week, we also had lots of provision time. During this time, we enjoyed the garden, explored the provision areas in the classroom, and played role-playing games with our friends. It was great to see the construction and mud kitchen areas in full use once again.
What a brilliant week!
Enjoy your Sunday,
Mr. Dale
01270 841302
Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street