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C of E Primary School

Y1 weekly news 10.12.21

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Another fantastic week in Y1 has passed filled with lots of fun and festive spirit.

In English this week, we spent a lot of time focusing on adjectives and how to use them in our writing. You wrote some beautiful sentences about different animals and you used some super adjectives to describe each animal. For a fox, you used the words bushy and fluffy to describe their tail and for a cat you used the words sharp and hard to describe their teeth. It was a pleasure to read through your writing and to look at the detail you used. Well done team!

In phonics, you worked super hard in your groups to learn your new sounds. This week I was able to go around and listen to everyone in reception, Y1 and Y2s phonics. I was so proud of all the sounds everyone has retained and all of the words you could read. We have super readers at Wybunbury Delves!

In maths, we started our new learning around 2D and 3D shapes. We started by looking at 3D shapes with Mrs Pointon. You were wonderful shape detectives as we identified and compared 3D shapes in our Maths lessons this week. We used the correct shape names, looked at how they are represented as drawings, and tried very hard to identify them in different positions and even when parts of the shape were hidden! You have focused on being able to name all of the 3D shapes and I am amazed at how many you can remember. We will start to look at 2D shapes next week and then this will bring us onto looking at the shapes we can see on the faces of a 3D shape. This week you also completed two maths quizzes, it was incredible to see you use all of the skills I taught you to answer each question. I was very proud of all of you!

In our afternoons, we have spent most of it getting very messy with clay or being the best performers we can be whilst practicing for our worship.

In art this week, you all created your very own clay tile. I am SO impressed with all of your clay tiles and how you all managed to roll out your clay, cut out your square tile and then create your own flower to go on top. You followed your designs very carefully and thought about how you are going to create and decorate each petal. We also had some expert clay makers that went around and helped other children once they were finished, team work sure makes the dream work! I know how proud you all are of your clay tiles! Next week, we will build upon our learning bypainting our clay tile using the colours we see in canal art.

In RE this week, you focused on when the three wise men visited baby Jesus. We started thinking about the special gifts we have been given in our lives and why they are important to us. We then learnt that Baby Jesus was given Frankincense, Myrrh and Gold by the three wise men. We followed them on their journey to baby Jesus and thought about how excited they must have been feeling. We then used hot seating to ask the three wise men different questions. You then wrote some of these questions in your RE book.

In music this week you became dancing dinosaurs. You moved to the best of the music by dancing like our onscreen dinosaurs. You then reflected on the song and whether you liked the song, how the song made you feel and why the song made you laugh. Were the lyrics funny? Were the actions funny? Did it make you feel like a real dinosaur? These are just some of the questions you thought about. To finish your lesson, you practiced singing the naughty bus song using different actions.

For your PHSE and heartsmart lesson, you were appreciating the ways you were unique. You shared with the class what makes you unique. We now know how our preferences may be different and how that is okay. We all have different qualities and skills. What was lovely to hear, was how we paid one another compliments to help us decide our uniqueness.

In our 6th forest school session this week you braved the wet and cold weather to have some fun in your outdoor learning. You focused on building shelters again in bigger groups. It was fantastic to see how you can all work as a team and think about your different roles within that team. You were able to give each other jobs to do so that you were all very busy in trying to create the best shelter. We had an apple shoot in one den, a Christmas tree in another and another den that was painted by using charcoal and a stick. Your imaginations led this session and you took us on a journey. I loved visiting all of your shelters and you all made me feel very welcome. At the end of your session, you built upon your fire skills by adding more cotton wool to your fire to try and make it bigger. You are all very sensible around the fire and know how to be safe. Well done everyone! I think we will be very sad to know that next week is our last session for this year...

As well as all of this learning, this week you have also been performers. We have spent some time this week practicing our worship and thinking about our courageous advocacy which is the woodland trust. Each day you have become more confident on the stage and on Friday you blew me away. I was so proud of every single one of you on Friday as you performed our class worship to your parents. I know for some of you this was the first time you did a performance in our school hall and I know this performance meant a lot to you and your parents. You did yourselves proud and by the cheering and clapping at the end I think you also did everyone else proud! You told everyone about the woodland trust in such a beautiful and memorable way that I wanted to plant a tree straight away on Friday evening! You sung your hearts out and used your loud voices to encourage others to look after earth. Well done everyone and I can't wait to share it with the rest of school next week.

I haven't set any maths homework for this week as I know you all want to try and get your bingo homework completed by next week so you can recieve your head teacher's award.

Have a lovely weekend and see you on Monday for our last week of term.

Miss Haynes

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