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C of E Primary School

Y1 class news 16.9.22

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What a fantastic and busy week we have in Y1. We've learnt all about the naughty bus adventures in English, been super season explorers in science and canal artists.

A present was left in our room on Monday for us with a label on it that said 'To Sam'. Our curious brains started to tick as we were asking questions of 'What is the present?' 'Who is Sam?' And 'Why has it been left in our classroom'. You built upon your sentence writing skills by writing sentences to explain what you think is inside the present starting with the opener 'I think it is a...' When we opened the present on Tuesday, we found out that it was a naughty bus and there was a story about the most recent adventures of the naughty bus inside. We followed our story map and came up with actions to learn about our naughty bus who had been riding around London and causing trouble. Throughout the week you built upon your question skills by hot seating the naughty bus, writing sentences to describe the naughty bus and you also created your own map of the journey the naughty bus went on and all the naughty things it did.

In phonics this week, you went off into your smaller groups to learn your new sounds and to start your reading. You have all read once a day in school and learnt a new sound. I am so proud of how well you have settled into your small groups and all of the amazing feedback I've had from the teachers. Well done superstars!

In maths this week, we have been continuing to consolidate our knowledge on our numbers to 10. You learnt how to find one more and less of a given number and used lots of practical resources to help you understand that it is just adding one more or taking one away. You also learnt how to compare numbers to understand which is the greatest number and which is the smallest. You were introduced to Charlie the crocodile who only eats the greatest number so we always need to make sure our symbol is open to the greatest number. We built upon our mathematical language by using the language of 'greater than, less than and equals to'. We were so impressed how quickly you grasped this learning!

In your afternoon learning you have just been as busy..

In art this week, you used the mixed media of watercolours, oil pastels and paint to create a castle picture for your canal art learning. These were beautiful and you showed so much control over your brush making sure that you kept within the lines. We will be hanging these up in class!

In RE this week, you were introduced to your topic of God. You discussed past bible stories about God and what you already know about him. We thought about what is God like and where do we think God is now. You created a mind map in your books of all the things you think God does or is like . We had 'He is kind' 'He is a teacher and teaches us how to make the right choice' and 'He created the world that we live in'. You then thought about how we could follow in God's footsteps.

In forest school this week you focused on some of your science learning. Mr Hadfield read a beautiful story about a tadpole and caterpillar which explored their life cycles throughout the year. You looked carefully at the pictures to see how the trees and sky changed throughout the different seasons. You then went out to explore the forest school and look for autumnal changes. You collected all of the different nature that was showing us the season and weather is changing and then we discussed what all of them were. Check our pictures out to see what your children collected! In the second part of your forest school learning, Mr Hadfield focused on materials and introduced you to the language of waterproof and opaque. You were set the challenge to create a shelter for your super hero or Disney princess to keep them safe. It was amazing to watch your imaginations flow and your teamwork strengthening as you worked together to build your shelters. I was proud to see so much sharing going on! We finished our forest school session by building on our fire skills and roasting marshmallows.

In History this week, we learnt about the language of 'past, present and the future'. You understood that we were going to learn about transport from the past so that we can compare it to the transport that we see now. You looked at bicycles, aeroplanes, cars and buses from the past. Did you know that buses before they had engines were pulled by horses? We couldn't believe it! You then sorted out different pictures of old and new transport into your books.

This week we were so excited to welcome a new member of our class who has come all the way from Hong Kong! I was so proud of what amazing friends you have been and how caring you have been to make sure he settled in. Our favourite moment this week was when we had show and tell and he told us all about Hong Kong, we were all jealous to see that there is a Disney land there! We also learnt some words in Cantonese that we will keep practicing.

Throughout the week you have engaged with many worships. Our favourite worship was our celebration worship on Friday which was led by our Y6's. We celebrated all of the different achievements that we had done over the week. We are so proud of our first guardian angel in Year One!

I hope you have a super weekend Y1. I know many of you will be boogying away at your class party on Saturday, enjoy!

See you on Tuesday,

Miss Haynes

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