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C of E Primary School

Welcome back Year 1! 2.3.24

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english 1englishsciencedtdt 2sciencerere

Welcome back to you all and I hope you have had a great half term. You have all come back into school with such a can do attitude and I am so proud of how hard everyone has worked this week!

In our English we have started reading a new book 'Where the wild things are'. The children came into school on Monday to find our classroom had transformed into a forest. There were clues all around and we had to predict what our story would be about. A very grumpy wolf came stomping into the classroom. His name was Max and we hot seated him to find out why he was so grumpy. He had been sent to bed without supper. Then we used our senses to describe what we found in the forest. Everyone has work really hard in our English this week! Well done team!

In our Maths lessons this week, we have started our new unit. The unit focuses on numbers to 50. We have been counting to 50, starting from any number, looking at the tens and ones and counting in tens. In our afternoon sessions we have been looking at number lines to 10, we have drawn our own number lines, filling in the missing gaps. We discussed 5 being the midpoint of our number lines and then went on a hunt round the classroom to find objects that were 10cm long.

In RE we went on a hunt for signs of Spring around the school. We discussed what we believe signs of spring were and then went to see if we could see any of these. We said bulbs, buds on trees and flowers, bumble bees and bunnies. We took photos and we are going to carry on spotting signs of spring as the term goes on.

In PHSE we have been talking about understanding other people's feelings. We discussed the Bible Reference, "Foolish people don't care if they sin, but good people want to be forgiven. Proverbs 14:9" linking it to the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We imagined we were Goldilocks and Baby Bear and talked about how we felt in the book. Then we discussed how our actions might affect others around us and what we could do to make those people feel better. Goldilocks wrote a letter to say sorry, we said showing that you understand you have upset someone is really important to do allow for forgiveness. We talked about the saying 'two wrongs don't make a right' and the children talked about forgiving one another. To finish the lesson we read the book Goldilocks and the One Bear, after the story the we talked about how Goldilocks forgave Baby Bear as well and what he did to make things better.

To begin our first music lesson, we danced with our onscreen penguins, scrunched our faces up, opened our mouths wide and cleaned our teeth with our tongues!! We thoroughly enjoyed our warm-up! This weeks song was called, 'Days of the Week.' We loved it! We had a surprise when we had to sing the days of the week in Spanish too!

We started our new DT topic, making puppets. We started our research by evaluating puppets and thinking about what would be a good design for our own puppets. We said we like how detailed some of the puppets were. Some puppets were moved by one finger and some we had to use our whole hand. We then went on to design our own animal puppets, adding the materials and equipment we needed to use. I look forward to seeing what we create!

In science we were looking at our senses, to start we went on a sense walk around the school recording what we could: see, hear, smell and touch. After we completed a senses experiment. What instrument is the quietest? We had lots of fun playing the instruments to find the answer! What happened when you tried to build a tower without sight? There was some very wonky towers that tumbled and some very impressive towers that stood tall! Which smell was your favourite? The marshmallows were a firm favourite, the onion not so much... What does the lemon taste like? Lots of funny faces were pulled during this experiment! What object was the heaviest? We used all our strength to find the heavier object!

In computing we have started a new unit, labelling objects. We went on a hunt round the classroom to find labels of different objects. We then put objects into different groups by labelling them.

PE this term is all about striking and defending. We loves the warm up domes and dishes, it was great fun trying to be the winning team. Everyoneshowed amazing listening and we practised some fielding skills involving good hand-eye coordination. Afterwards we learned what a crease line in and how we score runs by touching our bat over the crease line. Good work team!

Spagtastic homework has been set for this week. I have also uploaded a phonics link for the children to watch.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Miss Willis

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