Happy Half Team!
We have had a lovely week to end the term. In English this week we have finished writing our letters to the toys. We have listened to some different Jane Hissey books.
We have carried on looking at subtraction in math. We have been using a part whole model to help us solve sums. We looked at fact families and talked about how each time we have make sure there is two additions and two subtractions. We carried on using our part whole model to help us. WE learnt when adding it is part add part equals whole and subtraction is whole subtract part equals part. In the afternoons we have been looking at equal numbers and doubling. We loved watching numberblocks terrible twos.
We have been doing our PHSE lessons, learning all about medicine and who should give it too us. We started by looking at what is healthy and unhealthy. We discussed what we thought healthy meant, eating fruit and vegetables and making sure to exercise. Unhealthy is when you eat too much sugar and do not exercise. We had pictures of different activities, we decided whether each one was healthy and unhealthy. We discussed our reasons and talked about how if we have things in moderation can be ok. We then made our own healthy plates, explaining to one another why we put each food on the plates. We then looked at different medicines and how they are taken, we spoke lots about not using other people’s medicine and only having it when we needed it. Then we looked at people who help us, discussed what their jobs were. We talked about whether these people could give us medicine, we decided we could have medicine from the doctor, teacher, pharmacist and from the police or firefighters in emergencies because they are first aid trained.
In RE this week we have been comparing Jesus’ world to the world now. We listened to four Bible stories and then discussed the differences in the stories. We looked at photos of transport, clothes, food, houses and places we were born. We sorted these into then and now. We spent some time thinking about why our world is so different to Jesus’.
We did music with Mrs Wainwright this week! We spent some time learning the colours of the rainbow song for our worship. We are also practising the makaton for this song. It was a lovely treat to spend some time choosing with Mrs Wainwright.
In computing we had some free time to use paint to create our own pictures. We worked in partners to make out own images. It was lots of fun.
In Art we evaluated our creativity medals. We wrote two things we really liked about what we had made and then we thought of one way we could improve upon our work.
Year 1 and 2 joined together for a PE lesson this week. We were all very excited about this! We had a fantastic time playing games on the field. First, we were inside a giant DVD player and were being controlled by a remote control. We found this so funny! We had to move based on the buttons being pressed. We jogged, sat down, moved forwards, rewound ourselves, froze like statues and muted ourselves. We were very skilled at this job. Our next job saw us play Truck and Trailer. The rules were to stay as close to your partner as possible so to not lose your precious cargo in your trailer. We had numerous chances do be both parts. We found it difficult to keep up with the change in directions our partners went in and we had to increase our pace slightly. To end our fun session, we played Sharks and Minnows. The sharks were very hungry today and ate a lot of fish! There were only four minnows left at the end! Well done year 1 and 2. Your teamwork skills were shining!
In science we started looking at the seasons. We talked about our knowledge of the seasons and then we worked as teams to sort pictures in to the seasons. We talked about why we thought each photo belonged to each season! Miss Willis told us that trees change in the seasons. We discussed how trees look in autumn, listing the leaves falling off and starting to go brown. We then drew a picture of one of trees on the field. We are going to see how it changes over the seasons.
I hope everyone has a lovely half term. Stay safe and I look forward to welcoming you back on Monday 4th!
Miss Willis
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Bridge Street