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C of E Primary School

26.01.24 Year 1 News

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Happy Weekend everybody!

We have had a very busy week in Year 1! It was lovely to meet (properly) some of the parents this week and I look forward to meeting the rest next week.

For this week's daily maths lessons, we are still concentrating on numbers to twenty. We have been comparing and ordering our numbers. Using different resources to support us. Finally today we started adding numbers to twenty, using number lines to check our answers. We have been focusing on odds and evens in our fluency math. We discussed how even numbers have a pair and odd have a pair and one odd one.

In Phonics this week, we have been looking at our set three sounds in more detail. We practiced reading some tricky red words. We read a range of RWI books to improve our blending and fluency.

In English, we have carried on looking at the story Hermelin. We have began to plan our very own detective narratives octopus opening. There are lots of different detective animals in this class! We are looking forward to writing all our ideas up!

In forest school this week we made hedgehogs out of clay. We watched Mr Hadfield make Spike and the we followed his instructions. Squashing and squeezing our clay to make it malleable. Rolling it into a ball, and then squashing a nose on. We added sticks for the spikes and two eyes. We spent lots of time adding details. Then we all gave them names. Once our hedgehogs were finished we made homes for them using all the skills we have learnt over the last couple of weeks. It was great fun!

In PE we have carried on with our topic, invasion games. We have been moving around in different ways. The focus was dodging and we had to stay on the balls of our feet to move around one another. We especially loved playing sharks and boats dodging around the sharks and seaweed.

In RE we looked at 'The Stilling of the Storm' (Luke 8:22-25). We spent time looking at the disciples feelings being in each boat and discussed adjectives that could be used to describe these feelings. We coloured in our own disciples and placed them in the correct boats.

Geography we looked at a new set of animals and their habitats. We learnt all about Red Pandas, Giant Pandas and Red Foxes. We researched there lifestyles and habitats and then recalled to the rest of the class! Great job being brave!

In Art we looked at Eric Carle and talked about how his work is inspired by Flora and Fauna. We took our time watching him demonstrate his technique and then had own go at painting on to the tissue paper. It was a good first attempt, lots of hard work went into it and we will continue to keep practicing because it was rather tricky. Next week we will use all the technqies we learnt ready for our final pieces!

In computing we are carrying on learning all about robots. This week we played on the BeeBot App, looking at moving our BeeBot forward and backwards.

We had a busy music lesson this week. Miss Holland introduced us to a new musical phrase – a graphic score. Using a graphic score gives us a picture of sound using shapes and symbols. We also know we can follow a graphic score from left to right, like we read a book. Linking with our animals topic, we began planning our ideas of animals to include in our: count in section, bar 1 and bar 2.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Willis

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