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C of E Primary School

19.1.24 Year 1 News

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Happy Weekend everybody!

We have had a very busy week in Year 1! Everyone really enjoyed sharing our books with our parents and we were really excited to talk about all the learning we have been doing.

For this week's daily maths lessons, we have been busy learning about our numbers to twenty. First we were looking at one more and one less which was a little bit tricky but we kept at it. Once we introduced number lines into our lessons, we started to understand one more and one less because we could visualise it. Everyone loved using number lines and figuring out where to put the missing numbers.

In Phonics this week, we recapped all of our set two sounds, started looking at our set three sounds in more detail. We practiced reading some tricky red words. We read a range of RWI books to improve our blending and fluency.

In English, we have carried on looking at the story Hermelin. We have been looking at an example text, finding all the key concepts such as: the prefix un-, using 'and' to join sentences and making sure to use capital letters and punctuation. At the end of the week we looked at recalling the story, we had to put the story in the correct order and act it out in our partners. Everyone is working really hard preparing themselves to start planning our own detective narratives.

We had another great forest school session on Wednesday! We all worked as a team to make Buzz a shelter with a bed to keep warm. It was pretty chilly and we got a bit jealous of Buzz in his lovely warm bed so, when Mr Hadfield offered us a go in the hammock we jumped at the chance to get in it and warm up. Then we finished forest school by toasting marshmallows on the fire! YUM!

In our afternoons, we have been working extremely hard! We have been focusing on doubles to 10 in our fluency maths. Showing what numbers make doubles and representing them in different ways.

PE has had us starting a new topic, invasion games. Everyone started the session by warming up playing the Mr Men game, moving our bodies around in lots of different ways. Then we looked at our passing and catching. We used chest pass and bounce pass in our partners. To challenge ourselves we then got into groups of four and had to work on passing both balls across the other partner, it was rather tricky but everyone persisted and kept practicing.

In RE this term we are looking at what makes Jesus special. This weeks focus was 'How did Jesus make friends?' We learnt about The Calling of the Disciples (Luke 5: 1-11, Luke 5: 27–28). Then we discussed how kind and caring Jesus is and why people would want to be friends with him.

Geography saw us start our new topic, animals and their habitats. We started our lesson by asking the question – What is it like where emperor penguins live? This led to us talking about Antarctica and how cold it is. We discussed the world's equator and how the further away from it, the colder it gets. We explored ice, touching it, explaining how it felt. Then luckily for us the weather was on our side so we went for an ice hunt around school, discovering it in different places. After we all became emperor penguins and learnt how to huddle to keep warm whilst keep our eggs safe!

Art this week we carried on looking at work that is inspired by Flora and Fauna. Then we watched different videos of nature. The challenge was to draw what we saw within a time limit! There was some great sketches!

In science we been looking at animal groups in more depth. We recapped our knowledge of animal groups (reptiles, amphibians, mammals, fish and birds) and then looked more closely at the animal groups and their features. We looked at the similarities and differences of the animals features in each group. We came up with some great observations and discussions. Do snakes have tails? Then we were all super brave and presented our findings to the rest of the class! Super job everyone!

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Willis

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