This week, we have continued learning all about superheroes and finding new ways to let our light shine. We have been busy with lots of exciting activities, and we can't wait to tell you all about them!
Expressive Arts & Design
In music, we listened to the song ABC by The Jackson 5. We really enjoyed it because it made us want to dance and sing along. We clapped our hands in time with the music and listened carefully to hear what instruments were being played. We decided that we could hear bells, drums, a guitar, maracas, and people clicking their fingers. We also found out that the band was called The Jackson 5 because all the members had the same surname, Jackson. That made us think they might all be from the same family, and we learned that they were actually brothers. Later, we listened to a different version of Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed that had been turned into a rap. It was really fun to sing along, and we added some actions to go with the song.
We have also been using recycled cardboard and paper to create collages and build skyscrapers for our small-world superhero city.
Physical Development
During our PE session with Coach Gabriel, we continued to build on the skills we learned last week. We are getting stronger, more confident, and better at moving in different ways, just like superheroes.
Mathematical Development
In maths, we have been learning how to combine two groups to find the whole number. We used a part-whole model to help us, and we learned how to spot the whole and the different parts, even when they were in different places. We also talked about how the parts always come together to make the whole. We practiced using new mathematical vocabulary, and now we know that when we put groups together, we can say that we have them "altogether."
Personal, Social & Emotional Development & Wellbeing
In HeartSmart with Boris, we talked about how we can show love and care for others. We thought about the different ways we greet people when they come into our classroom, and we sang our morning welcome song while greeting as many friends as we could. We talked about how it feels to receive a warm welcome and a smile and how it shows that we care.
This week, we have a special challenge to look out for any visitors to our classroom and make sure we greet them when they arrive.
Boris taught us that greetings are a great way to show someone we are glad they are here. We also read a Bible verse that reminded us how important it is to be kind and respectful to everyone. Show respect for all people. – 1 Peter 2:17
Literacy Development
This week, we have been working on our superhero story, Juniper Jupiter. First, we finished writing the opening part, where we introduced the main character. Then, we planned and wrote the build-up and the problem. We are becoming really amazing writers!
We have been working hard to remember to:
Use capital letters to start our sentences.
Put finger spaces between words.
Form our letters neatly.
Add full stops at the end of our sentences
Read our sentences back to check that they make sense.
Language & Communication
This week, we have been very interested in talking about pinecones. Eleanor found one on her way to school, and we noticed that, when it was inside our warm and dry classroom, the scales started to open. We also saw that some tiny seeds came out, and we talked about what would happen to them if they landed on the ground outside. We were curious to find out if the pinecone would change again in the cold and wet, so we put one of our classroom pinecones outside in the garden. To our amazement the scales closed up in the cold wet weather. It was such a wow moment for us we couldn't wait to share our discovery at the end of worship time with the whole school.
Understanding the World
In Forest School with Mrs. Hadfield, we worked together to make a big picture of a fish using natural materials. We collected sticks safely and arranged them into the shape of a fish with a tail. Then, we made the scales by sieving flour over our hands and leaving a print. We added small conifer branches to look like seaweed. It looked fabulous!
At the end of our session, we got to do something very exciting. We used fire steels to create dragon sneezes, which made tiny sparks, and then we used them to light a fire. We toasted marshmallows and listened to the birds singing while the sun was shining. It was a perfect morning!
Religious Education
In RE, we have been continuing our Questful Journey to discover what prayer is. We listened to stories from the Bob Hartman Storyteller Bible, including Jonah and the Whale and Daniel in the Lions' Den. We talked about how prayer helped them in their lives and thought about what we might like to pray for.
We each wrote our own little prayer on a whale-shaped piece of paper and added them to our RE floorbook.
This has been a wonderful week of learning, discovering, and letting our light shine in everything we do.
Have a restful weekend
See you Monday
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