Reception Class, what an incredible week we've had in our learning journey!
Let's take a moment to reflect on the highlights...
Mathematics: Last week, we focused on counting forwards and backwards to 20, which allowed us to reinforce our understanding of one more, one less and comparing numbers. We also honed our skills in representing numbers within 20, paying close attention to where we start counting from and the direction on the number line for forwards and backwards.
This week, we embarked on an exciting new unit on numerical patterns and explored the concept of doubling--understanding what it means and how to recognize and represent doubles.
Literacy:In our literacy development last week, we delved into the enchanting story 'The Extraordinary Gardener' by Sam Broughton, along with the set of instructions sent by the character Joe. We deepened our understanding by answering questions and writing extended sentences. We played a thrilling missing word game, filling in the key words from the instructions. Our writing skills flourished as we composed sentences with bossy verbs.
This week, we crafted a writing plan and completed a detailed set of instructions on planting carrots. Reception Class, your writing is truly blossoming, and I couldn't be prouder of your progress!
Expressive Arts and Design:Our music sessions were filled with excitement last week as we explored the mesmerising rhythms and melodies of renowned artists. We listened to 'Superstition' by Stevie Wonder and 'Big Bear Funk,' clapping out the rhythm and tapping the beat on glockenspiels.
This week, we delved into 'Pick up the pieces' by Average White Band and practiced our class worship song with great enthusiasm.
Alongside our musical journey, we continued to immerse ourselves in the captivating artwork of Vincent van Gogh, creating stunning self-portraits and constructing 3D picture frames.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development:In our Heartsmart session last week, we embarked on an exploration of gratitude. We expressed our thankfulness for various aspects of our lives, fostering a sense of joy and strength within our hearts.
Boris says, "A thankful heart is a strong heart."
Bible link – 'Be thankful in all circumstances.' 1 Thessalonians 5:18
This week, we also celebrated our unique qualities and differences, creating a supportive and inclusive classroom environment. Boris reminds us that being Heartsmart means sharing and celebrating our individuality.
Boris says "Being Heartsmart means being able to share and celebrate our differences."
Bible link 'You are chosen by God.' 1 Peter 2:9
Physical Development: In our physical development sessions, we continued our athletic adventures, mastering jumping techniques, balancing, and hurdle clearing. We also honed our throwing skills, engaging in fun games and challenges. Our energy and determination are truly remarkable, and I have no doubt that we will shine brightly during sports day races!
Understanding the World :Our exploration of the Holy Spirit deepened this week as we observed the movement of wind and discussed our experiences with it. We delved into the story of Pentecost, understanding its significance as the birthday of the church when the Holy Spirit was gifted by God to Jesus' disciples. We celebrated this special occasion with a delightful birthday party, making hats, decorating cakes, and singing Happy Birthday to the church.
I hope you all have a wonderful rest over the break, and I look forward to seeing you on
Monday 5th June.
Keep shining, Reception Class!
Warm regards,
Mrs. Ward and the Reception Class Team Mrs Wainwright and Louise
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