It has been a busy second week back Reception Class and Christmas seems a very distant memory now.
Let us share a snapshot of some of our learning from across the week...
We thoroughly enjoyed our second forest school session with Mr Hadfield. This week we had to create a shelter for Stickman and his friends which had to include a comfortable bed, somewhere to sit and of course somewhere to pop to the loo in the middle of the night! Without doubt, the best bit was eating toasted marshmallows at the end. Mmmm yummy!
In our RE session, as part of our understanding the world development, we continued to explore 'what is prayer.' Using a collection of letters, telephones, postcards, computers, cards, e-mail messages, we discussed the various ways that we communicate with other people. Reflecting on our own worship in school and class, we thought about how we communicate to God through song and prayer. We considered why people of faith might like to communicate to God and how it might make them feel. We made some thoughtful tsp prayers, considering what we are thankful and sorry for and what we would like to ask for with a please.
In our mathematical development, we have focused on securely counting to 10, using the ten frame to scaffold our counting. By the end of the week, we were able to count out 9 and 10 from larger amounts of objects.
We have continued to explore the story Juniper Jupiter for our literacy development, looking at how the story is made up of four parts: the opening, a build up, a problem and the ending. We then used examples of the text to explore what a good story has in it: the main character, story setting, describing words etc. We have practiced our sentence accuracy across the week but have really enjoyed opportunities to write independently, like our application to be a sidekick and writing speech bubbles for our super hero characters. Reception class you really are becoming 'super writers!
A big thank you to Miss McCurrie who has purchased us some new storybooks for us enjoy in class. We are passionate recyclers in Reception Class and our new stories are all linked to recycling and caring for our environment. We loved listening to 'Somebody crunched Colin' by Sarah Roberts in our language and communication development so much so, we are determined to find out how a crisp packet can be recycled and used as part of a new watering can. How amazing is that!
For our wellbeing time, we considered who we would be if we could be someone else for the day. A very interesting concept with some very unusual answers! We enjoyed some lovely relaxing yoga as our wellbeing activity afterwards.
Coach James taught us some very exciting indoor games this week, as it was too chilly to go on the field with it being frozen over still. Whilst we have loved seeing the changes in the environment this week with the snow and ice, but are definitely looking forward to some warmer weather so we can run off our energies.
We love a good old singsong and this week in our expressive arts and design development, we have used a mixture of body percussion and shakers to keep the beat to a range of traditional nursery rhymes.
Have a lovely weekend
See you Monday
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