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C of E Primary School

Reception Class News 17:02:21

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Reception class, this week has raced by. I cannot believe we have come to the end of another term and reached the half way point of our academic year.

Let us share what we have been learning...

Creative Arts and Design

In our music session we listened to a piece of music by Mozart, it was called Horn Concerto No 4: Third Movement – Rondo.We really enjoyed listening to the music and said it made us feel happy. Whilst listening we closed our eyes and imagined horses galloping through a field. We could hear, trumpets, violins and cellos.

We practiced singing the songs that we have been learning this half term, we learnt how to warm up our voices before starting to sing. We did this by making our voices go high and then low, we hummed and pretended to have a bee stuck in our mouth.

We were very excited this week as we got to use the glockenspiels! We all had our own glockenspiel and we looked closely to see that each key had a letter on it, we played the C note whilst we sang "If your happy and you know it play your glock."It was lots of fun and we all had a great time with our instruments.

This week we have embarked on our own sewing bee challenge and made a gingerbread stuffed toy using overstiches to join our two pieces of felt together. they look rather fetching with their lovely red thread. We can't wait to add their button and a nice ribbon neck tie.

Mathematical Development

This week we consolidated our knowledge and understanding of the concept of measurement. In our challenge session we continued to explore non standard measure using different lengths of ribbon. This made us think about the importance of objects being straight in order to compare them and using a baseline to compare accurately.

In our journals we applied our skills in measuring to measure objects and then find items longer or shorter and drawing accurate size representations.

Physical Development

In our PE session, we started by warming up, we played Magic Zoo. We pretended that we were visiting the zoo and when we came across an animal we carried on as that animal. We slithered like snakes, stomped like elephants, hopped like kangaroos and walked sideways like a crab.

Next we worked with a partner to practice our gymnastics. We took it in turns to be the teacher and instructing our partner on what we would like them to perform, for example; five star jumps, ten bunny hops, two tuck jumps etc.

We were great teachers and encouraged our partner by telling them what a great job they were doing and showing them what we wanted them to do if they weren't sure.

We had great fun working with our partners and showing off the gymnastics we have been learning this half term.

Literacy Development

In our daily phonics session we have continued to recap known sounds and learn new ones that we have applied into our reading and writing activities. We are all excited to bring home new reading materials to share with our families over half term. Happy reading everyone!

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

We have really enjoyed our last day of term as we have broken all the school rules! Don't worry everyone it was all for a great cause, raising money for our PTA. We have enjoyed sharing what rules we have broken with our friends: not wearing uniform, wearing nail varnish, tattoos, messy hair and eating unhealthy snacks at break! I think it may have been an expensive day for some families. Thank you for your generosity.

Communication and Language

This week we have continued to read some of our favourite books where we can all join in with the repeated phrases and refrains as well as exploring some new stories and vocabulary.

Have a lovely break everyone and I look forward to seeing you all next term.
Mrs Ward and Mrs Wainwright

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