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C of E Primary School

Reception Class News 17/ 05/ 24

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worshipgardenreading shedbird watchingreconstructionmud kitchensand pitcodingcodingcoding

Reception Class, as we say goodbye to yet another busy week filled with laughter and discovery, let's take a moment to reflect on some of the incredible learning we've shared together. Here's a glimpse into the highlights of our week:

Personal, Social, and Emotional Development: We searched deep into our hearts this week, pondering over our favourite items that hold special significance in our lives. From cherished trophies and sentimental jewelry to beloved cuddly toys and the unwavering support of our parents and teachers, we celebrated the unique treasures that bring us joy and comfort.

Mathematical Development: This week our mathematical focus turned to the concept of halving quantities, as we explored the art of sharing into two equal groups. Through practical activities and interactive sessions, we made great connections between halving and its inverse- doubling.
A heartfelt thank you to all, for your enthusiastic participation in the homework task that you shared on Seesaw, making our mathematical journey all the more enjoyable. We have loved sharing them across the week.

Literacy Development: With great pride and accomplishment, we wrapped up our independent instructional write-ups, carefully crafting handy hints to guide readers in nurturing their seeds into healthy plants. Through diligent effort and attention to detail, we showcased our growing proficiency in expressing ourselves through the written word.

Expressive Arts and Design: We have loved expanding our repertoire of songs this week, embracing the lively rhythms of "Big Family of God" with the guidance of our Year 3 peers. Additionally, we took center stage in leading worship for the entire school, portraying the role of the Holy Spirit appearing to the disciples at Pentecost with such poise and confidence. Reception Class you are amazing, everyone was so proud you!

Understanding the World: Our Questful RE journey was enriched this week, as we were joined by special guests who shared their favourite Old Testament stories and insights. A heartfelt thank you to Harrison's dad Christopher and his colleague Matt from Brine Leas for enhancing our learning experience.

Meanwhile, our garden and the allotment continue to flourish under our nurture and care, with new plantings of potatoes, carrots, and courgettes. Reception class, we certainly have green fingers!

Language and Communication Development: Our love for stories continued to blossom as we immersed ourselves in a diverse array of tales shared from books from home. From exploring new vocabulary to unraveling the intricacies of story settings, we have developed a love of reading.

Physical Development: Under the guidance of Coach James, our journey in team sports continued, fostering camaraderie, sportsmanship, and the joy of friendly competition.

Last but never least, we finished our week of spending some quality time with our buddies coding on the iPads. Over the past few weeks we have progressed from completing a simple coding program to move a robot on a path to now designing the route it should take and then coding the instructions for it to follow.

Reception Class, your unwavering enthusiasm, and dedication continues to impress us every day. Here's to the new adventures that await us next week!

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