Goodness, what a busy week in Reception Class!
We have been very lucky to have some small visitors to our classroom this week. Can you guess what they might be?
They are thin and green.
They have 6 legs.
They eat leaves and they are extremely good at camouflaging themselves as sticks or twigs.
Of course, they are stick insects!
We have enjoyed observing them and finding out lots of interesting facts about them as part of our understanding of the world development, which we then wrote about for one of our literacy tasks.
With such beautiful weather this week, we also spent a lot of time exploring in the garden to see what other minibeasts lived in the garden environment. We found beetles, woodlice, bees and ants which led us to find out more about minibeast habitats and what they like to eat. It is lovely to discover how many minibeast experts we have in class.
In our literacy development we have focused on completeting a series of linked sentences about minibeasts, exploring the different ways we could start a sentence to make it engaging for the reader. We have looked at different facts books and explored how to use a contents page to find out information.
In our mathematical development, we have continued to work on numerical patterns and explored odd and even numbers in familiar contexts. We used our understanding of equal groups to determine whether a number was odd or even, an even number shares equally between two groups and an odd number doesn't. We have worked super hard on this concept this week, I think we may be saying odd and even facts it in our sleep!
Continuing with our target games unit in our physical development, we practiced and applied our skill of throwing underarm accurately. We understand that we need to stand correctly and use our dominant hand for throwing. Warning our bodies up, we played 'not in my backyard' where we had to empty our backyard of balls into the other teams backyard, whilst they were doing the same to our space. We then rotated around different target activities to practice and apply our throwing skills. Thankfully we moved our session to the morning as we were certainly hot and sweaty at the end of it.
In music this week we started the session by listening to William Tell Overture by Rossini, we found out that this was a very old piece of music. It was interesting as it had no words and was just instruments, we loved how it got quieter and louder at different times and imagined horses running and hiding. Next we listened to individual instruments to see what they sounded like, these included a bass guitar, electric guitar, keyboard, flute and drums.
In our heart smart, we are learning that making mistakes is normal and helps us to learn. We started the session by reading Boris the Robot to refresh ourselves about what happens.
We then focused on the part of the story where Boris makes a mess in the kitchen and burns the cake, we said that Boris made a mistake and that he was scared and worried what the family would think so he ran away. We talked about what Boris could have done to make things better; say sorry, ask for help to tidy up.
Finally we talked about times in our life when we have made a mistake and what we did to make it right. Boris says "Making mistakes helps us to grow."
Bible link 'if they fall, they will not stay up, because the Lord will help them up.' Psalm 37:24
Have a super weekend Reception Class.
Please remember that next Friday is our minibeast theme day and you are invited to dress up as a minibeast.
Mrs Ward and the Reception Team, Mrs Wainwright and Louise
01270 841302
Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street