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C of E Primary School

Reception Class News 15.12.23

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We are nearly there Reception Class.
It has been a very long and busy term for us all and we are all beginning to feel tired and emotional!

We have finally completed our nativity and watched it back through as a movie. Apparently, it is the best Christmas movie we have ever seen! We cannot wait to share it with our families and the rest of school at the beginning of next week.

In our mathematical learning, we introduced the part-whole model to practice the concept of breaking a whole number into two parts. At first, we looked at whole numbers where there were two distinct groups of objects making it up, so it was easy to split it into two parts. By the end of the week, we were confidently splitting a whole number when all the parts were identical. This allowed us to explore the different number bonds to four.

In our literacy development, we continued to enjoy our 12 books of Christmas and write up our Christmas messages to our families in our Christmas cards.

For our wellbeing time as part of our personal, social and emotional development, we thought about what we can do when we feel unsafe. We started by talking about what things may make us feel unsafe, like falling off our bikes or scooters, getting lost from our grown up and even spiders! We had some great ideas about what we can do in the moments we feel unsafe.

For our wellbeing activity, we practiced mindfulness colouring of mandalas, whilst listening to calming music. We are now beginning to taking our time, colour carefully and show pride in our work, which is lovely to see.

This week we have been very busy preparing items from our recycling bins to make crafts for messy church on Monday as part of our expressive arts and design. A huge thank you to our families for all the kind donations. Reception class, you are becoming great advocates for recycling, nothing in our classroom goes to waste, you are becoming so creative in how you are recycling items that normally end up in the bin and then landfill.

As Christmas is nearly upon us, we enjoyed a Nutcracker yoga session as part of our physical development, learning some flamenco dance moves to add to our dance repertoire. We also played many invasion games with Coach James in our Thursday session.

Have a restful weekend and we will see you for our last fun filled week of the term
Mrs Ward and Mrs Wainwright

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